I still like the idea of telling them that there are 72 virgins for each of them in the middle of the desert and when they all get there nuke them.
Now if you bury a Muslim martyr or his remains in a pig skin then he can not go past go or collect his virgins. Now if we started to do this I wonder how many of them would want to die
Bill O'REILLY is one of the best news anchors in my opinion. And Brian Williams I would only trust him to sell my used car.
Wrong .. i actually tested their trust during the Bahranian revolution 2011 .. when i faked some news about the egyptian navy reaching to bahrain to protect their coast again iranian invasion (i did write that in the Bahranian forum) just after 5 minutes , i saw my fake news on the Urgent line on BBCIn my opinion, BBC World News is highly regarded and trusted.
are you for real? lol does it really matter? making bullets containing pig's skin or burying muslims in a pig skin , like they can fool god ? haha whateverNow if you bury a Muslim martyr or his remains in a pig skin then he can not go past go or collect his virgins. Now if we started to do this I wonder how many of them would want to die