great reviews on this one
come out on netflix Jan 27. im signed up
I haven't looked at the second clip yet but the first one looked ludicrous.Looks like a couple of excellent movies..![]()
I haven't looked at the second clip yet but the first one looked ludicrous.
I am not sure where the directors, writers or producers developed the idea that German tanks and troops marched line abreast into battle nor can I understand at what point in WW2 German Tiger tanks decided that the best form of offense was to circle an American tank at a range of about 2 metres point its 88mm at it.
That scene I find the most bizarre given that the Tiger could have destroyed the US tank at 2000 metres and the US one could barely dent the German one at 500 metres.
If I was to be nice I would say it looks like a cross between an action cartoon meets the US war of independence and if I was to be honest I would say it looks like another Hollywood flag-fest that will be little more than an insult to everyone that fought in WW2 except the USA who's troops will come out looking 18 foot tall and capable of eating there way through the sides of German tanks.
I am sorry but I hate movies like that, I believe very strongly that if you genuinely want to honour those who served in these wars tell the truth because for the most part the truth is just as interesting, do not make these idiotic flag-fests which are little more than a bastardisation of history and an insult to the countless people who died during WW2 and my intelligence.
I will rate it along side "Inglorious Bastards and U-571" as movies to forget.
What it boils down to is that I am tired of having my intelligence insulted by movies who persist on waving flags and portraying everything as 1950s cliches where German officers either shoot dissenters or send them to the Russian front and the really bad ones get shot and then sent to the Russian front, the entire Japanese dialogue for most movies is "Banzai" and "Die American imperialist Yankee dog", the British spend most of the war sounding posh and drinking tea and Aussies did nothing more than sound funny, steal and get into fights.
I am prepared to suspend reality for movies that are clearly fiction but I expect movies that try and recreate historical events to be as close to factual as possible.
I am prepared to suspend reality for movies that are clearly fiction but I expect movies that try and recreate historical events to be as close to factual as possible.
I make no mistake to mix what I see in these movies with the events that unfolded in the 2nd World War. As with most films it honestly boils down to what country has made it, I just recently watched the new movie titled simply "Stalingrad" developed in Russia, another patriot flagfest from the Russian perspective, almost like the movie "9th Company".
Quite honestly I watched the first film , really cared less about the premise of the film or even the A list actors in it. The only reason I watched it is watching Tiger 131 perform admirably , I literally contemplated after watching this scene standing up in the theater and then leaving, my $8.00 having been well spent in that goal of seeing the only running Tiger for the first time used in a movie.
I make no mistake to mix what I see in these movies with the events that unfolded in the 2nd World War. As with most films it honestly boils down to what country has made it, I just recently watched the new movie titled simply "Stalingrad" developed in Russia, another patriot flagfest from the Russian perspective, almost like the movie "9th Company".
I rarely watch military movies due to this obvious bias. As with both "Fury "and "Stalingrad" not one mention of any news outside the glorious American or Soviet War effort in both films is mentioned. Not one mention of how the Brits or Canadians are doing, not one mention of Soviet Atrocities committed along the same lines as the Nazi ones during the war. Not one shot of the devastation wrought on German cities such as Dresden. Rampant homelessness and other obvious human tragedies suffered by all sides in Europe or East Asia during the war, especially with the civilian populace.
At which point sometimes it's best to turn off one's laptop or TV and instead learn about and hold critical respect for the lesson's of this conflict , and how instead maybe we should strive not to repeat it.
So if you can hold this grain of salt in mind I will admit each of the films I listed in this post do have their entertaining set pieces. And from a business perspective the movie industry is out for one thing: Making money so you can already expect an imperfect take on history.
For I am not an expert in such fields such as armed combat however I have a pretty good hint it's not a glorious testosterone soaked affair conducted to the backdrop of a score of intense music and waiving flags.
I haven't looked at the second clip yet but the first one looked ludicrous.
I am not sure where the directors, writers or producers developed the idea that German tanks and troops marched line abreast into battle nor can I understand at what point in WW2 German Tiger tanks decided that the best form of offense was to circle an American tank at a range of about 2 metres point its 88mm at it.
That scene I find the most bizarre given that the Tiger could have destroyed the US tank at 2000 metres and the US one could barely dent the German one at 500 metres.
If I was to be nice I would say it looks like a cross between an action cartoon meets the US war of independence and if I was to be honest I would say it looks like another Hollywood flag-fest that will be little more than an insult to everyone that fought in WW2 except the USA who's troops will come out looking 18 foot tall and capable of eating there way through the sides of German tanks.
I am sorry but I hate movies like that, I believe very strongly that if you genuinely want to honour those who served in these wars tell the truth because for the most part the truth is just as interesting, do not make these idiotic flag-fests which are little more than a bastardisation of history and an insult to the countless people who died during WW2 and my intelligence.
I will rate it along side "Inglorious Bastards and U-571" as movies to forget.
I think you're all a bunch of fuddy duds.![]()
I loved Inglorious Bastards too dadsgirl. Most of these movies might claim to be based on a true story but we all know this may be about 5 percent true.
Oliver Stone wrote a few movies which were based on true stories too.. "Born On the Fourth of July".. "Platoon".. I cant remember them all but they didn't paint a pretty picture. They were all excellent movies in my opinion.http:/[/quote]
Maybe,but Oliver Stone is a censored SOB.
A tank veteran on Fury: 'Very realistic, but it can't show the full horror of war.