FIFA World Cup anyone?

My favorite player and team, Hernan Crespo and Argentina, won their first game (crespo scored!) ... but it was a shaky start for my second favorite player and team, Zinedine Zidane and France, tying Switzerland 0-0.

Their defense was strong but what was up with the 4-5-1 lineup ... using Thierry Henry as the lone striker... very bad formation and tactics used by the French I think.
Damien435 said:
A.) I never said it was an easy group, in fact I have complained left and right that every group in the World Cup has one team that is almost a sure thing to advance, two teams that will fight it out for the second place but likely lose in the Round of 16 and then one team that is clearly lacking. BTW, you are probably watching American converage which has really hyped up Group E being incredibly tough, and it may be, if you are an American.
I was agreeing with you. You said
Damien435 said:
And it doesnt help that the US is in a supposedly weak qualifying group...
And I supported it. Also, Italy,Ghana,Czech Republic(2nd in the world)Are tough teams, if thats not one of the most incredibly tough groups(there are more) then I dont know who is. Italy is 2nd only to Brazil in World Cup titles.

Damien435 said:
B.) Why did you come out swinging at me? Because I said I think my team will win? I am a Vikings fan, I say I think my team will win every week even though I am more often wrong than I am right. (:cen:ing Gary Anderson! Missed one kick all season and it just so happened to be the only one that mattered.)
I didn't...I just stated my opinion, that happened to be different than yours.
:???: i'm glad we qualified without playing well, but Argentina looked awsome tonight:???:

anyway gerrards goal:bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

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Go to the first few pages, I've had Argentina picked a while ago - note the flags. France is my second favorite team. I hope they get a win in their next match and stop playing in the 4-5-1 lineup.

By the way KC72 ... I thought it was Gerrard*
I don't get it, everytime I turn around another player is down, "Oh my god, so you tripped, well cry me a :cen:ing river!" I tore my ACL and 15 minutes later I was back in the game, you have shin guards and the hardest "tackle" you will ever face in the World Cup won't even involve you sprawling on the ground with the entire defensive line of the Chicago Bears lying on top of you. These soccer players need to hit the gyms or something, I can understand if you perhaps faceplanted right after making a spectacular save (Did you guys see the save England had against Trinidad!?) but seriously, after it happens so many times shouldn't you get used to it? LIke basketball players, I remember playing b-ball, I rolled my ankle at least once per day, why do you think people who play basketball as well as other sports are less likely to get minor ankle injuries? It's either all or nothing for them.

As for the comparison between war and the World Cup, I think it is rather accurate, to an extent, both events have incredibly high political stakes.
Damien435 said:
I don't get it, everytime I turn around another player is down, "Oh my god, so you tripped, well cry me a :cen:ing river!" I tore my ACL and 15 minutes later I was back in the game, you have shin guards and the hardest "tackle" you will ever face in the World Cup won't even involve you sprawling on the ground with the entire defensive line of the Chicago Bears lying on top of you. These soccer players need to hit the gyms or something, I can understand if you perhaps faceplanted right after making a spectacular save (Did you guys see the save England had against Trinidad!?) but seriously, after it happens so many times shouldn't you get used to it? LIke basketball players, I remember playing b-ball, I rolled my ankle at least once per day, why do you think people who play basketball as well as other sports are less likely to get minor ankle injuries? It's either all or nothing for them.

As for the comparison between war and the World Cup, I think it is rather accurate, to an extent, both events have incredibly high political stakes.

I totally agree with your point. It seems that many "soccer" players have turned into babies or actors. I am particularly displeased with the southern European teams and Brazil. They fall over at the slightest touch...or even if untouched. All that moaning and groaning. You would think they broke every bone in their body. But, no. They stand up and start sprinting 10 seconds after what looked like an out of body experience. All teams are guilty of this behaviour to a certain degree. Some teams just surpass others in the art. In my opinion, the Brazilians, Italians, Portuguese and Spanish all deserve an Oscar or 44 of them.

After the Italian-USA game, I would also like to add that southern European "untouchables" can really dish it out. The intentional elbow to the face by the Italian player was simply grotesque. This WC seems dominated by divers on one hand and butchers on the other. War has been quarter given nor expected.
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Three damn red cards! The first red card (even though it helped the USA) should have only been a yellow card, IMO and the first red card against America shouldn't have even been a yellow, he was a quarter of a second late going for the ball, not like he ran at some random guy and drop kicked him in the chest. I didn't see the red card against Pope, but I am told that one was a very bad call also. So the standings in Group E are what, Italy 4 points, Ghana and Czech Republic at 3 and America at 1. I am sure the US can still advance but I doubt it will happen at this point. I suppose if Italy and the US win then America and Italy advance, right?
fingolfin361 said:
Ah, this summer, the closest thing to open war not involving guns is being showcased in Germany...and btw if anybody is interested at all in this, Germany will be hammered, and not make it out of the group stages....

How much money did you bet?
C/1Lt Henderson said:
THE UNITED STATES TIED ITALY!!!!Mwahahahahahaha! I'm extremely proud of the Red,White,And Blue. And both playing with a man down too...Pretty impressive boys. Now lets keep the momentum going.
Yeah, they used their limited assets extremely well against a team whose players had superior techniques. Anyway, I hope Italy and Ghana go thru to the next round :)