This isn't really a military game, but Coastal Heroes: SAR 4 is really good.
I also have a Civil War game the History Channel makes. I've also played Super Huey III, but I didn't really like it.
Cant beat it for implementing as much authenticity and realism possible in a game atmosphere, NO CROSS HAIRS on the guns all shooting is from the hip or through the weapons iron sites... nice eh?
I LOVE Generals. It's my favourite strategy game. I like how you can combat drop US Rangers into buildings and wip out the enemy. I also think the snipers and Col. Burton are cool :rambo:
Call of Duty is alot of fun but favorite ever was Medal of Honor:Allied assault. I just got done playing the Total War:Rome demo, has AWESOME graphics and fighting. Can command thousands of troops in game with no lag, and amazing graphics.
I'm surprised no ones mentioned it yet but I LOVE Ghost Recon. I played it on the X-Box and another Ghost Recon game on PS2, Jungle Thunder/Island Storm. I love how it takes just about one hit to put a team member out of action. Two if you're lucky and 3 if you're Superman LOL. I loved the original Ghost Recon. I liked how it briefed you and the AI was really good. You could really get into some tight situations.
DF2 Delta Foce 2
DF:BHD Delta Force Black Hawk Down
BF1942 Battlefield 1942
AF:SF Americas Army Special Forces
WOLF:ET Wolfenstine Enemy Terrotery
AH Aces High
SC, BW StarCraft, StarCraft BroodWar