Favorit Sport

Horseback riding is definitely my favorite. You can always adjust it to your mood: feeling down, go for a long trail ride, or feeling good go for a gallop across the biggest field you can find!
Oh this one is easy...

Orienteering of course!

(If that doesn't count, it's baseall. But it should count.)
favorite sport to play would have to be baseball. i like to watch F1 racing too, ALMS, GT, and WRC are cool too, but not as much as F1 (Go Ferrari).
Like ever Canadian, hockey. (Sorry, I think I might have already responded to this thread a while back, but I'm not sure.)

Tekken 4 :D
Did some tandem skydiving a while ago.


Formula 1 (I hate Schumacher and his big chin :twisted: )
Only one sport exist in my world.. American Football both to watch and to play

49:ers forever.. :-) (I do know that they are not that good this year, but..)
Aussie Rules Football
Hurling (another wonderful Irish invention)
Pool and Darts (always good at the pub)
Shooting and paintball
and finally most motorsports