I challenge this rule. What the flying **** is wrong with 3rd person accounts.
Dont give me this "its not accurate." Its as accurate as the person who records it. This is nothing more than an accusation of the quoters being morons, if someone provides false information, sure a rule should punish. Speculation, a rule should punish. If its correct, well then gee golly whiz real terrible aint it. What about actual quotes from the person hismelf. For instance this evening I read letters of my dad from basic training in 1962, apparently basic training restrictions were less back then according to the letters, he bought himself a clock radio at the PX for $10. I'm incompetant and I cant quote a reliable source? Or is my source unreliable? Or do I not understand the wording? Absolutely insulting.
Just stumbled into this thread on the "New posts", and I haven read further than about the 5th entry yet: While generally along the line of the mods here (facts!, no fiction), I must say this post has some merits:
(sorry if anything of this has been posted before, as stated have not yet been through th whole thread)
A long as it is *clearly stated* that someone is reporting hearsay, I would consider this a valid contribution that might (or might not) help
just like any 1st person knowledge transmissioned. No guarantees for either, but input to base your decisons on, like in real life.
Dont see why this would require a ban neccesarily (I know a lot of POV contributions to be factually wrong or biased on whatever the person posting had lived through as *personal* experience that might vary quite a bit from the general corps experience).
Also, even if accurate in the time cotext, some of our veteran info might easily be outdated, a ban for this influencing "life altering" COAs should be not appropriate from my POV (e.g., a C160D cockpit is different from what a guy anwsering a general Transie question refers to, based on what he lived in the "A" model, accuracy is not guaranteed, but would you really consider a ban appropriate if author states he is refering to his time frame)? You belive 100% accuracy is possible? Just asking...
My take :
Run open visor, state your bkgnd and knowledge you post from for a certain aspect, do not pretend. State when you are quoting, by whom, his bkgnd, or when you are citing a web source makle it clear that you are doing just this. IMHO this is what is required of any decent person and more so of mil (or ex) mil personell (of whatever nation), so in doing so one cannot be way off. Requiring 100% accuracy (for morally integral persons) would kill any discussion and help.
This said, of cause mods are the gods (and I appreciate it, do not get me wrong, especially here as they do a great job obviously), and their word is law.