Like anything, there is a time and a place for everything. I think Kesse pretty much summed up my philosophy (and my militaries doctrine) with when to escalate your rate of fire.
I've been in a lot of "TICs"(troops in contact) in three deployments to Iraq and I can count on one hand the times I have had to just mash my finger down on the trigger of my rifle numerous times to get the burst to look more like full auto. On one instance, I didn't care about accuracy at the time I just needed the enemy(who was in the next room) to stop shooting at me or at least less accurately so me and a buddy could get the hell out of the room. It was a sudden realization(if you ever find yourself in that situation you will KNOW what I mean) that I had about 2 seconds to do something...anything...or me any my buddy would have certainly been killed. I have absolutely no doubt about it. So in this instance it was just a massive display of firepower and violence to buy us a few more seconds to back out of the trap we had walked into.
Outside of situations like that I'm more prone to follow the Wyatt Earp saying "fast is fine, accuracy is final..."