Do you think a virgin wife is important?

Do you mind if your wife is not a virgin?

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Now that we members have been mostly military in our views, let's see what are your views on softer issues... Do you think that when you get married, your wife should be a virgin? :roll:
if i were to get married, then i wouldnt care if my wife was a virgin or not, but i would care if she had any type of STD.
Hold off on sex until marriage, that is what i am doing and i would like my wife that way too, after all who wants used goods so to speak, besides if you wait till marriage sex is more enjoyable.
I don't think it is important. Honestly how many married men out there or unmarried i guess would rather have a woman that knows what she is doing in bed vs. one that is totally lost when it comes to that department????
I agree marriage does not revolve around sex but it sure plays a big part in it. Most of the divorces I have have witnessed sex has played a big part in. Women whos men aren't there to do their job in the bedroom find someone who will do it for them.
I got asked "how far I'd gone with a guy" by the guy that I'm now talking to. I'm um, slightly experienced shall we say (not telling what that means) and he has nothing beyond basically making out. But as I expressed on another forum, my choices are my choices, and other peoples are their choices, and I will respect yours if you respect mine.

And I've found, that looking at things that way gains much more respect, because I'm not going to expect anything, nor am I going to make people feel like shit because of what they've done. My ex boyfriends gfr that I hate said some really blunt things to him about some of his decisions, and it took everything I had not to beat her the next time I saw her.

So yeah... my daily rant.

sgtbreeden said:
I agree marriage does not revolve around sex but it sure plays a big part in it. Most of the divorces I have have witnessed sex has played a big part in. Women whos men aren't there to do their job in the bedroom find someone who will do it for them.

Not really. I mean this isn't a bedroom deal, but my best friends boyfriend just went to college in vermont, and he's not here to kiss her, but she's not finding someone else.

Not all women are that shallow or w/e you wanna call it.

GuyontheRight said:
I would like that yes, considering I plan on being In the same position.

If you have what it takes to resist some sexy girl making our with you on your bed, then go ahead :P . No, I'm just pointing out that sometimes plans are interrupted, so don't form opinions of people too soon.

Mod Edit: Do not post back to back. Use the edit function.
CrazyCadet142 said:
Mod Edit: Do not post back to back. Use the edit function.

Sorry! I usually make my response, then respond to others in a different post, but I'll work on not!

Suffering can be eliminated by desire
-Siddhartha Gautama

I’m a strong advocate against teen's having sex, It shows In my mind a lack of discipline. And our society places too much emphasis on sex and pleasing the individual. Marriage should be spent not only enriching each others' lives, but contributing to the good of society.
Oh my, GOTR i think they cloned our brains at birth my friend.

everything you say is like exactly what i was about to say.
Well I'm still a minor, 16, so my values could change 10 times by the end of the year. But, right now, yes it would matter to me. I'm very judgmental of people, heck I wouldn't seriously date a girl if she wasn't a virgin. I'm very critical when it comes to all relationships, and I take loyalty very seriously. I know It's bad to simply judge a girl on that, but for now, I can't deny that it bothers me.

btw, the idea of sex as a minor right now just doesn't groove with me at all.
That's very good, i know alot of people who had alot of sex when they were young and now that they are married they wish they hadn't, stay clean my friend, at least until you find the right women if your a man or man if your a women
First off your relationship should NOT be based on two things 1. Money and 2. Sex. SAINT you should do what you think is the right choice and hope for the best. If u have doubts then, chances are your marriage isnt gonna work.

As for teen sex, if i wait to have sex after i get married, then i would prefer for my girl to have waited too. I would marry a nonvirgin if she did it only once or twice. In my opinion, sex should be a special bond between one man and one woman.
I don't think I'll bet getting a wife any time soon. :lol: So it won't matter to me.

Seriously, though, a man should only want to marry a virgin if he himself plans on being a virgin until he marries. There are a few (not a lot, thank goodness!) men in the world who think they can have all the sex they want to and still they insist on marrying a virgin. That I do not agree with.

What do you all think about men who feel like a big man when they deflower a virgin??