Do you have any questions about the recent forum crash??

Redleg said:
Luckily I was home alone during that period, so I could use the entire evening after I got back home from work...
But it took me 2(+) days to get everything up and running again... :?
We are grateful!!! :D
1217 said:
Redleg said:
Everything could happen in the digital world...

The reason for this crash was that my Web Hosting provider didn't tell me that they were going to move the site to a new server.

But I do regularly backup the forum, so we wont loose many days of posts/members if it should happen again.
(lost 3 days now).
You got it up and running again fairly quick. I've seen forums do worse.... ;)

God, in one night we lost 2 years (I think) worth of data on another forum. They got it back up pretty quickly I think... I'm thinking it took like a day, maybe 2. It was bad tho.

What days did the DD delete posts from? I'm trying to clean out my notifications.
Some of the gear may have disappeared..

But you can find it in the PX again now, I'll send you a 50 MB$ refund.. :)
silent driller said:
One last question... Was anybody injured in this crash? :D

Yes, Tim didn't get to see a post I made.

nah, im kiddin, it'd be best to put that situation behind us.