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Jonny Reb

Active member
(1) Slab bomb.Imagine a sphere of fissionable materials way in excess of the critical mass. The concentration of neutrons around the centre will cause a chain reaction. Now imagine a narrow slice through the centre of the sphere. Remove the two hemispheres on either side. What will happen now? Although the mass of the slice may well be markedly in excess of the critical mass there will be no chain reaction. Neutrons from the periphery will dissipate before reaching the centre, those at the centre will escape either side, the slice is safe however unstable the material ( though I would argue that if a cylindrical form chain reaction is induced at the centre such is the exponential generation of neutrons that this 'neutron wave' would transmit itself throughout the adjacent fissionable material without a frizzle.) But in the complete sphere loses of neutrons would be made up by neutons entering from the adjacent hemispheres, since there can be no prefered slice that means that overall neutr on loss = overall neutron gain. Which means that the number of neutrons causing the chain reaction in the slice equals the number generated in the slice per se. Now remove the hemispheres again and replace them with perfect neutron refectors (in practice not only are real reflectors lossy but they also reduce the velocity of the neutrons so effect their capture by the nucleuses) then the basic conditions will be the same as before and the slice will chain react. Now imagine a reflecting material where the percentage reflection of neutrons depends on the thickness of the material and imagine two plano/concave 'lenses' of the reflecting material attached eitherside of the slice. The thickness of the refecting material at the centre is such that there is no dangerous build up of neutrons (this will depend on geometry - thickness to diameter and the makeup of the material however the calculation should be straight forward) whilst the thikness at the periphery will ensure 100% reflection. The resulting struture is usable as a bomb - the Slab Bomb. A chain reaction has to be induced this can be achieved by a making small hole at the centre of the fissionable material for the full depth and one side of the reflecters. A very acute cone of beryllium of diameter to match hole and of height equal to the thickness of the fissionable material has its base attached to the undrilled bottom reflecting material. A very strong source of alpha paerticles is now required. Conventionaly very fine pellets of polonium 210 can be fired via a cartridge at the Be cone (note that this trigger assembly must be mounted at some distance from the outer reflecting material if this is itself beryllium due to the well known nature of Po210.) The problem with this is that Po210 has a half life time of only 130 days. Another approach would be to use a relatively large quantity of a longer lived Alpha particle generator and at the trigger time to reflect and focus all the alph a particles into a narrow beam. As far as terrorists are concerned, Beryllium sheets are freely available and can be machined into shape (note the problems in handling this material but then they would be 'handling' plutonium with far more problems.) However the real problem is obtaining the plutonium (here I assume that ALL isotopes of Plutonium are fissionable not just the odd numbered ones) - obviously used fuel rods where security is lax is one source (Purex plus Calcium displacement of the oxide.) But a far more useful source would be either corrupt Third World countries or nations that themselves sources of terrorist material. All these nations need to do is to run a programme of domestic generation of electricity from nuclear reactors with the fuel rods reprocessed by First World countries, but on the sly to allow a limited amount of Uranium 238 to be incorperated with the reactor surrounds. This can later be removed when there are no International Atomic Energy Auth ority snoops around. By the well known principle of the Breeder Reactor and the easy seperation of Plutonium from Uranium an inexhaustable supply of bomb making materials can be obtained.As is generally well known the USA can be eliminated as an economic power by a nuclear explosion in New York. It can also be put into political limbo by a simultaneous explosion in Washington DC. The means of bringing the plutonium into America (the other parts should be able to be obtained locally) is by breaking the Slab into small (machined for a tight fit) parts. Putting each part into a radiation shielding container and using a Mexican Cartel (very well paid) to smuggle the parts individually over the open US/Mexican border. Economic migrants can be used who of course will be unaware of what they are carrying , assuming the containers to be housing narcotics. The Cartel will obviously not know where the containers are destined for although they undoubtably will see the advantage to them selves of the above results. The gathering of the material and its transfer to the assemby area together with the assembly would be done by dedicated members of the Terrorist Band. The individual pieces can be clamped together by the beryllium housing.And that brings us to the question of Tamping. In a nuclear explosion tamping is used to hold in the bulk of the material against the force of the explosion at the centre until the chain reaction reaches it (well that's the theory anyway) but in the Slab Bomb the conditions are quite different. Of course the outer reflecting material can act as a tamper particular if it has a number of circular partial incisions so that annular section by annular section the tamper can be blown away leaving the remainder intact for the advancing chain reaction - but is this necessary? In a sphere of course the tendency is for the periphery to fly off, but in the Slab bomb the tendency (without adjacent lateral fissionable material) will be for the consumed material to fly off without effecting the unconsumed which will be held in by the reflective outer casing. (2) The Delta BombThis is of use to nation states with the technical capability of putting munitions into Earth orbit such as Iran. It appears that full advantage has not been taken of the mechanical properties of fissionable materials (and reflecters.) They tend to be regarded as if they were some sort of plastic explosive requiring a housing of metal. On the contary Plutonium has the property of cast iron (rigid in compression) and beryllium ( the only neutron refector to be considered from now on) has excellent aeronautical attributes. Naturally with the conventional means of explosion these cannot be taken advantage of. But the concepts behind the Slab Bomb change all this. Imagine the cicular section with its outer casing being transformed into a delta (the same arguments apply.) Now provided that the 'wings' are given a slight dihedral and the outer casing is extended laterally particular at the rear (so that the CG is slightly forward of the CL) then a stable glider is obtained. This w ill of course have a high mass to lift ratio and a consequent sharp angle of descent and a very high stalling speed - but advantage can be taken of this! If heat resistant tiles are attached over the surface and booster rockets fixed either side the Delta Bomb can be put into North South (polar) Orbit, naturally the trajectory will have to cancel the the EW velocity given to the Delta at its point of take off by the rotation of the Earth. Say for example the Delta is launched from Tehran, once the boosters are discarded it will stay in a fixed orbit while the Earth rotates below it. Provided it is not syncronized to the Earth's rotation then ANY POINT ON THE EARTH will be over flown by the Delta at some time or the other. Now when Iran wishes to retaliate for some action of America then when the time is right it will send a signal activating a large Retro rocket attached to the centre of the Delta, this will kill a large amount of its orbital speed and the Delta will fall until it reaches a height where the build up of air beneath its wings will stop this acceleration and provided there is still a reasonable forward velocity the Delta will 'glide.' By now the chosen US city will have hove into view, the glide can be used for fine tuning - when it is almost above city centre (on board camera) another signal will be given and the retro rocket ( if it has not been discarded because of high drag) or a smaller one can be fired killing forward speed and the craft will stall falling straight on to target. Control will be by three stationary satellites communicating with one another by line of sight and with the Delta Bomb. One satellite will be over Tehran the other two at 120 degrees to this. These satellites will be ostensible for the transmission of Farsi programmes world wide (which they will do so) and the Delta Bomb an experimental craft. Note it would of course be pssible to attach ailerons etc for fine control but there is the problems of static if the speed is too high. In fact there could be a number of such craft in orbits (different heights) with different angles of longitude. I have done no mathematical caculations: I do not posses the data I need particularly neutron reflective properties of Be and I need to know that any mathematical model I create corresponds to experimental results. I assume that the above will not work in practice otherwise I would have heard of both (since they are so obvious) I am sending this to you for confirmation of this. If I do not hear from you in a reasonable period of time I will feel free to post the above for discussion on the internet.
I am of the distinct opinion, that you have far, faaarrrr, too much spare time on your hands.

Fer christ's sakes get a hobby, take your meds (only the prescription ones), play some sport or do something vaguely interesting.
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I am of the distinct opinion, that you have far, faaarrrr, too much spare time on your hands.

Fer christ's sakes get a hobby, take your meds (only the prescription ones), play some sport or do something vaguely interesting.

He could help clear IED's, now I reckon that could be interesting.
There is a (2). It's a little more than half-way down. I didn't read it ... just did a quick scan for "(2)." :)

Did read the last sentence, though: "... If I do not hear from you in a reasonable period of time I will feel free to post the above for discussion on the internet."

Guess he didn't hear back. :roll:
It would appear most of this drivel has been scabbed from A site where dumfuks who can't even spell correctly, try impress their fellow clods by theorising on the building of backyard nuclear weaponry.

Plagiarism even when carefully done, is so hard to get away with today,... what a bummer.
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