Castro Dead (Rumors)


Active member
Have you guys heard the rumors going around that Castro's dead? The rumors say he died from stroke. This isn't the first time they said he kicked the bucket, though. I would be surprised if they were true, and I won't be convinced till someone produces a body. What do you guys think? If he really had died I think it would be all over the news and all over CNN, I mean come on we've been waiting forever for him to die. Heres the article btw.

I want to see this on the news first..

It's the same with Saddams Cancer.
Some says he has Lymph cancer, and will die in 1-2 years, but that one is not confirmed either. :?

Checked that article was from June 16 and haven't heard from any where else. To get fair news must ck. about 10 things papers' t/v/ etc..
I hope he's dead, although I'm pessimistic ( guess he's still alive ). Anyways, there's unfortunately his brother Raul ready to replace him.
Y'know the way it is with communism: hereditary dictatorship.
They love poor people to such a large extent that they love to make everybody poor.
Darkmb101 said:
...hope hes good and dead
How can someone be good and dead at the same time? Never figured that one out yet. :D j/k

If he is dead i got dibs on his money and wallet, his family can keep any pics in their for all i care.
Darkmb101 said:
Italian Guy said:
They love poor people to such a large extent that they love to make everybody poor.

except for themselves of course. hope hes good and dead

Yeah, sure. They dont disdain luxury and money. They kinda like capitalism and green buck when their wallet is at stake.