Britain to give Sen. Kennedy honorary knighthood (AP)

Well all Delboys predictions have come to pass. Britian is in the crapper if they are knighting Ted Kennedy.
ABSM - I think it is Dame

03 - Better to knight Teddy than Allen Stanford, oh wait, too late..
I just hope he wears trousers to the ceremony, and that they don't let drive over any bridges:-P

I'll have you know that all the bridges have re-inforced barriers, we have a long and proud trdition of drunken politicans merrily careening down the roads, and not of them has died yet!! Unforutnately, as for trousers, well they're an optional extra!!

ABSM -there have been many shirtlifters that have the sword from the Queen, so why not? Errm perhaps I should rephrase that sentence.
I'll have you know that all the bridges have re-inforced barriers, we have a long and proud trdition of drunken politicans merrily careening down the roads, and not of them has died yet!! Unforutnately, as for trousers, well they're an optional extra!!

ABSM -there have been many shirtlifters that have the sword from the Queen, so why not? Errm perhaps I should rephrase that sentence.
