I saw a thing about that, then some other scientists blew the whole theory apart, by using the same "code" on any large text they got the same results. They got a more detailed warning of september 11 from a passage of "Moby Dick", and they found text declaring the war in iraq etc in a page from the Australian Federal Parliament Gazette, all by using the same system. They even found warnings about Michael Jacksons criminal acts in Ozzy Ozbourne lyrics :shock: :roll: .. It's a bit of a crock. The bloke who wrote the book about it published his first one before Sept 11, but made no mention of the upcoming terror attack the bible "warned" of. He published a second one after Sept 11 and claimed he had known all along.
Source taken from "John Safran Vs. God" SBS Telivision Australia.
Read a book by Dan Brown called "The Da Vinci Code". After reading it, I realised that if what he said was true, then all major religion is a major lie and we have been screwed over for the past 2000 years. It's a very interesting read, I recommend it to everyone.