Better Off


Obama and the American People would be better off if Obama would stay out of Politics Obama does not have a knack for it .:lol:
Afternoon Tetvet.
When I'm in NY, why don't we just meet somewhere for lunch...on me.

p.s. It's ok to disagree.I'll agree to that.
Obama and the American People would be better off if Obama would stay out of Politics Obama does not have a knack for it .:lol:

Yes not like it's his job or anything. Or Americans voted twice to have him in office.

Who knows, it must be a conspiracy.
I hope not to know .

It' hard to believe that someone your age is this disrespectful but then I shouldn't be surprised, especially when I read some of your past posts.

You're probably doing her a favor with that rude remark anyway.
Yes lets get off the race (minorities) soap box once and for all. I don't agree with many of the president's policy's but Race is not the issue!
Dads girl you need to empty your private message box I tried to send you a message but your box was full.

Hold up, it could have been Sara.

Before anyone asks, it wasn't a pervert one either. I'm not like that.:angel:

Oh buggeration, just ignore me.:-P
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Dads girl you need to empty your private message box I tried to send you a message but your box was full.

Hold up, it could have been Sara.

Before anyone asks, it wasn't a pervert one either. I'm not like that.:angel:

Oh buggeration, just ignore me.:-P

Oh Yes, you are like that so there is no point of denying it. :-D
Obama is the minorities Baby they elected him twice three times if they can .

Do you ever talk to any minorities? Was bull jiving around with some of my co workers today, about half are non white, none of them really have any kind opinions of the man.

Second more, I knew a few of white folks, some NOT , and I mean NOT even democrats who voted for him.

What you just said, is a opinionated statement, which Ironically is a keystone in modern politics and media. On that note:

Tetvet, have you ever considered editorial work for Fox News?
Do you ever talk to any minorities? Was bull jiving around with some of my co workers today, about half are non white, none of them really have any kind opinions of the man.

Second more, I knew a few of white folks, some NOT , and I mean NOT even democrats who voted for him.

What you just said, is a opinionated statement, which Ironically is a keystone in modern politics and media. On that note:

Tetvet, have you ever considered editorial work for Fox News?


Yo.... wassup dawg? ..
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Mr. Obama is doing the Race Baiting he can't seem to stay out of Ferguson , where he finds time for LOCAL Politics is beyond me , perhaps SARA can enlighten us .
Yes on every one of them.

I have as well but I have adopted the Senojekips philosophy that says if they are left unchallenged he may believe he is right or worse yet someone else may think he is and no one needs that.