duke of milforum slayer
ok so i was walking up to my grandmothers house after school like i do everyday and about halfway there i start to hear this strange high pitch barking noise coming around a nearby tree. So naturally i stopped to look at what was barking at me like everyone of us morons do when we expect something to jump on us and im looking around and i dont see anything around the tree ive walked past this thing about 10 times when i finaly relize its coming FROM the tree so then i started to look at the tree and sure enough right above the birdfeeder was a squirrel about 2 feet from my head making this barking hissing type of a noise and right after i looked at it and it looked at me for a moment it jumped and of course i RAN...i RAN faster than i have in a long time but i still heard the barking noise and there on my leather coat was the little devil right on my back so i was about 10 15 feet maybe from the wall of their house so i ran even harder and faster turned around about 5 feet from the wall and jumped as hard as i could into the wall and the squirrel jumped off of my back right in time and gave me a "haha you idiot u just seriously hurt your back and now you need a new coat" type of look and ran away. Well i dont know how many of you have ever had a squirrel bark at you but that is one of the scarriest and yet now funniest things that have happend to me in the past few weeks.