Back from my sabbatical


Milforum Mac Daddy
I'm back from my sabbatical......

As of right now, the liberal left have already stated that if it is President Bush's fault and the Republican Party's fault for the events at VA Tech. Some have stated that since Bush and the Republican party voted against renwing the Clinton Gun ban that this wouldn't of happened.

The two wepaons used were the following...


The GLOCK 19 is a compact framed semi-automatic 9x19mm pistol. It has a magazine capacity of 15 rounds. and can hold one additional round in the chamber bringing it up to 16 total rounds.

Walther P22

The Walther P22 is a compact framed semi-automatic .22LR pistol. It has a magazine capacity of 10 rounds. and can hold one additional round in the chamber bringing it up to 11 total rounds.

The Clinton Gun ban limited both firearms to a magazine capacity of 10rd per magazine. Which meant that each firearm could hold a total of 11 rounds.

During the ten years that the Clinton ban was inforced, it did not in anyway reduce the use of firearms in crimes.

If the Gunman was commited to kill innocent people, we would just carry an extra 10rd magazine.

Secondly, during the Clinton era. the Gun Free Zone was introduced. The idea of making a gun free zone is as stupid has giving Iran and North Korea some nuclear material.

Criminals do not follow laws. Only law abding citizens follow laws. By creating a gun free zone, you have just disarmed legal law abiding citizens from a means to defend themselves.

The limit of the amount of rounds in a magaizne will not stop criminals, the creation of gun free zones will not stop criminals. instead of creating new gun laws. How about enforcing the ones already on the books.

If you want to stop criminals, enforce the laws already on the books and allow law abiding citizens a means to defend themselves.

Some issues about the gunman that make me think are why?

Why is it that he was not stopped sooner.

He was charged with stalking.

He set his dorm room on fire.

He admitted that he had a made up girl friend

Fellow classmates were afraid of him.

His professors stated that he was disturbed.

He was placed in a mental hopsital.

Had numerous run ins with the law

The list goes on and on.....

By federal law, a person of mental disorder cannot own or purcahse a firearm. But since he is over the age of 18 his medical records are private and protected by HIPAA. If HIPAA was not in the way. The knowledge of him being in a mental hospital would have been part of a background check.

The vendor of the firearm did a background check. The background check only checks public records. Criminal History and mental records. Problem is if he was addmitted to a mental hopsital on his own accord than it is not public record. It is private medical record which is protected by HIPAA.

You cannot blame the vendor of the firearms in queston. He did everything legally and did the background check. Nothing popped up that would red flag him from buying a firearm.

That should be changed. Medical information such as mental disorders and mental hospital records should be part of hte background check.

That is something that I would support.

Second.... he was not stopped because of Politcal Correctness. Because he was Korean some could have claimed racism. They would have claimed those that tried to stop him were racist because he is simply a korean kid.

Also, the idea of being nice and rolling over doesn't work. The damn kid was charged with stalking. The women is question did not press charges. He set his dorm on fire. Which I am surprised that VA Tech did not kick his ass out. Those in his class and his professors could've said something but once again. he was korean, some would claim that his accusers were being racist. Lastly, the idea that a person could be helped by drugs and a talking doctor is b******t. Someone like that needs to be taken out back and smacked by his parents.

The actions that he took were once not approved by society. Setting a fire in your dorm. That would've brought criminal charges once upon a time. Stalking women, samething.... not accpected once upon a time. being commited to a mental hospital in the past would've meant that he stayed there. Not this release in 72 hours because he took his meds and acted nice crap. His plays and writting once upon a time would have had folks informing his parents and other people about his mental state. But not today. Nope, in today's society all it did was have the prfessors say that subject matter like his was not proper writting.

This kid was a ticking time bomb with all of the signs but no one took a cue from the signs because everyone was to passive.

Third subject, sadly the victims were passive also. Some fought back by saving others but still. There are some recounts by survivors that he simply ordered them to line up and then shot the victims. What the hell happened to fighting back.... today's society keeps on telling folks to not fight back....

"Don't fight the theft, give him/her what he wants"

"Don't fight the hijacker, listen to what they say"

"Don't fight the rapistm give in and simply report"

I'm sorry, but it seems like today that we are teaching folks to be like sheep. Just be like the sheep and be lead to the slaughter. I'd fight back. If the bastard is going to kill me anyways. I'd rather take my chances and fight back. Might I die, yes. But could I survive. Yes also. 50-50 on survival seems like a much better deal than a 100% chance of death by not fighting back.

I don't want to dishonor or shame the victims of this horrible event. They were victims and did not in anyway deserve to die. But we must face the facts of why this happened and also on how we can prevent it from happening again.

If you don't want the students armed... fine. At least least allow the teachers and professors to carry a conceal firearm if the choose to. We now allow airline pilots to be armed... why not teachers and professors and even some sudents?
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Seems you took some time to think these things through brother. I agree with what you have to say here. Perhaps in a different light. But I do agree.