Automatic RSS News Feeds!


The fire is everything
Staff member
Added a new forum feature now,
Automatic RSS News Feeds!

In this section you will find fresh news (almost) everyday.

The news are delivered by the forum News Manager, he's not a real member, so it's no use to try to PM him and complain about bad news.. :)

You can not make new topics in here, but you can reply/comment on the news.

Popular topics will be moved over to the military news section, so we can discuss them more.
This forum will get at least 10 new topics each day, so MilForum can also be your online news source from now on..

I will use news feeds from Reuters to begin with.

Please post here or PM me if you have any suggestions to other news sources that may be interesting.

Enjoy! :D
I did change to Yahoo earlier today.. :)

Reuters haven't updated their feeds in several days now.

Marksman wrote:
so he is a BOT,wow i didnt know that u can place a bot on PHP forum,congrats

Have you ever seen me in real life??
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA right,super AI redleg bot,matrix and stuff hahahahahaha sure thing............
ok, another question, if someone was say, extremely bored, would they theoretically be able to donate milbucks to the bot?
rotc boy said:
ok, another question, if someone was say, extremely bored, would they theoretically be able to donate milbucks to the bot?

haha you would have to be very bored to do something like that :lol:
rotc boy said:
ok, another question, if someone was say, extremely bored, would they theoretically be able to donate milbucks to the bot?

Yes, but why on earth would you want to do taht... :lol:
another question, the "news manager" had a high score in the arcade for Donkey Kong? :shock:
can you log in as him or something redleg?
rotc boy said:
another question, the "news manager" had a high score in the arcade for Donkey Kong? :shock:
can you log in as him or something redleg?

He has posted over 1400 articles in the forum..
Don't you think he deserves some R&R from time to time?? ;)