What color dog tag looks best

  • Black

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steel

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
I was thinking of gettin of gettin some army dogtags but i can't choose between black or steel colored.

Also do you guys have suggestions on what i should put on both tags
All opinions welcome :rambo: :D
Like what rank would look cool engraved into the tag.
I'm not exactlt what goes on each line, but I like steel.
If someone could clarify what goes on each line it would be great.
I was thinking of putting

U.S Special Forces
U.S Army Rangers
Delta Force
or U.S Air Force

which do you think would look best along with some other things i could put on

BTW I am not in military at this moment so i have no serial number or regular army number or anything
Search for "dog tags" on google, and you will find several online stores there.. :)
Just type in Army Tags on Yahoo search and it's full of retailer. Watch out for the website that is Venezuelan ( ) They won't even give their phone number or address.
I suggest The name is misleading. Their dogtags cost about 7.95. Nice tags, too.

The general infromation put on a dog tag, as far as I'm aware, depends on the branch of service...

US Army
Last name
First name Middle initial
Social security numberBlood type (use NEG or POS)

US Marine Corps
Last name
First name Last name Blood type
Social Security Number
USMC-(gas mask size)

US Navy
Last name, First name Middle Initial
<empty line>
<social security number>USN*
blood type

*Appears like this: 123-45-6789USN

US Air Force
First name
Last names, middle initial
B32-12-09 (not sure what this is)
BLOOD TYPE USAF-(gas mask size)

Or, you can get a general tag with this information...
Last name
First name, Middle initial
Social security number
Blood type
You can now order your dog tags through :D

Military Dog Tags

Save 5% on all items thru Christmas Eve.
Use discount code H1224 when you checkout.

(I'll see if I can dig up another discount code soon as well.. :) )
cullion said:
Good ole' Redleg, always hookign the forum up with what they want. And discounts, too! :)

Always.. ;)

I'll see if I can "force" them to give us a better discount before x-mas as well.. :D
Listen to SFC about what goes on a dog tag. No _real_ dog tags have rank on them. Also rank is not "cool" it is earned and a responsibility not something to be trivialized.