All soldiers Equal?


Active member
Are blacks and other minorities treated as fairly as whites in our nation's military. I espically want to hear answers from those who have or currently do serve in the military. I know I should try and stay away from race but I feel this question needs to be addressed. I did a search and did not find anything like this topic so if it has already been talked about I apologize. Even if it has I still want to hear what everybody has to say.
Nobody cares what color you are in the military. You joined up to fight for your country and thats all that matters.
What I've heard of going on in some units, particularly cadet units is reverse-racism. People getting promoted over because they are minorities.
Don't know about other nations specifically, but consider how for the USA has come: During WW2, blacks were in seperate units from whites and generally were the officers of those units were white. We've come a long ways indeed.
Flak88 said:
in usa, color doesnt matter anymore, but gender still does apparently

I dont agree, my mom is a Major who gets allot of respect. Whenever I tell someone on base who my mom is they get allot friendlier, including people who out rank her.
Flak88 said:
in usa, color doesnt matter anymore, but gender still does apparently

Yup. Sure does, and it's the most retarded thing ever. My friend, far more competent than the female that did get promoted ahead of him last year. Everyone thought he was gonna get it. What a waste of a promotion. She quite like a month later anyways.
Flak88 said:
in usa, color doesnt matter anymore, but gender still does apparently
Only insofar as deployment into combat is concerned is gender very relevant. Women are allowed to train and be a part of the Marines and the Army -- but they can't actually serve in combat units. I don't believe that's changed anytime recently.

They are allowed to be and do pretty many many things in the military, but there are limitations.
This is not a discussion on female roles in the military, the question is how minorities are treated in the military - please stay on topic from this point on.
There was an American soldier, who i shall not name because everyone will think i am crazy if i name him, who made a point that military bias is based more or less on if you can pull your own weight when it matters rather then your skin color or your gender.
When I was at PLCD (primary leadership and development school) AKA Non Commissioned Officer School in 2000, we were told an interesting fact. While we were having an Equal Opportunity class, the NCO teaching us asked all minorities to raise thier hands. Then he asked all males to drop their hands. He told us that those people ahd the best chance of promotion. I believe he was being real. I don't think that was suppose to be taught. The NCO also told us there was a time in the Army where the promotion standards were dropped at the DA (department of the Army) level to promote more minorities.. Once you are promoted to E-6 or you are an officer, you are promoted through DA and not by a military board. DA will set a standard so only so many people are promoted. That is why you need to have a good military record with no black marks. The DA lowered the standard for minorities to make the Army more "diverse". One the press had a field day with this, the Army officially stopped the practice.*

Here is something on Jessie Jackson. A few years ago, he said that he had a problem with the military since more minorities are in the military than the percentage of the population of the USA. He claimed that minorities were bearing the brunt of fighting, something like what happened in Vietnam. A study was done and he was proven wrong. Most minorities join support related jobs and not combat related jobs. My infantry company only has a small number of minorities. My wife says there are more minorities where she works in the 626th support BN than whites.


* I was unable to find a source for what that NCO told me at PLDC