I get even more pissed off about guys who are in the military and do support the war but make the US look tyrannical by pulling stupid @$$ moves like taking those degrating, and ultimately detrimental photos that those marines did. When a US soldier looks in the mirror the reflection he sees is the entire US military staring back at him and that is the image he must uphold in uniform and in duty. Any one soldiers actions can really blemish that image. As messy as this sounds I am least worried about the Iraqis in the photos; I am more concerned with the militant counterparts of those "soldiers" who bust their ass daily to uphold that image, but will now carry the burden of immoral and less then human individuals that weasle their way through our military. How embarassing it was to hear about that incident. I hope those marines soil in shame to the degree that they deserve and i hope the rest of the world will relieve the innocent and exceptional soldiers of a tainted reputation.