37 % OF Voters would vote for Hillary even if she was in jail that's 67% for the GOP to fight over but if you subtract minorities from the 67% that would leave 40% of voters to fight over what all this means is that a white male doesn't stand a chance .:shock:
Well get used to Democratic presidents then because unless the majority of the American people lurch to the right side of the political spectrum the Republicans are giving up both the center and the left.
Not the majority, the vast majority. The GOP is increasingly limiting itself to White, Male, over 60, wealthy, heterosexual, WASPS (with a few Catholics and Jews here and there).
That's about it. Makes for a very small pool of potential voters to appeal to as he himself admitted.
TETVET little rant was complaining about the fact the GOP is having a tougher and tougher time attracting new voters but he prefers to blame Hillary and Minorities without once asking himself if the reason nobody is jumping on the conservative bandwagon is simply because the product they are selling is crap.
It might very well explain why its President Obama and not President McCain or Romney in the White House.
You forgot to mention certain Southerners.
You know, I am not even sure that's true anymore. Certainly in the Bible belt but everywhere else...things are changing.
You have states like North Carolina that voted Democrat for the first time in Decades (Obama and local elections), you have other states like Florida that vote either way (but vote increasingly Blue on the National Level) and you've got states like Texas, if the shifting demographics continue will be full blue states within a decade or two.
If the GOP loses Texas, its all over. They will be regulated to minority party indefinitely.
And that's the reason why the GOP is dominating Congress ?:mrgreen:
Interesting how you worded this, where it if "Democrats" were inserted it would be called "Racist"!But to be fair 37% of voters would also vote Republican even if they ran a chimp for president, .
Looks like Touqueville (sp?) was right, democracy works until the people find out they can vote themselves benefits. Conservatism isn't crap, Liberalism works until the Nation goes down the shit tube like Greece is doing ("until they run out of other people's money" M. Thatcher) . The dems rely on vote buying (Govt benefits programs), miss-educated youth who have been taught that socialism works. McCain wasn't much of a Candidate, but only mass hysteria/stupidity can describe the '08 election of an unqualified, inexpeirienced at anything, person like Obama.Not the majority, the vast majority. The GOP is increasingly limiting itself to White, Male, over 60, wealthy, heterosexual, WASPS (with a few Catholics and Jews here and there).
That's about it. Makes for a very small pool of potential voters to appeal to as he himself admitted.
TETVET little rant was complaining about the fact the GOP is having a tougher and tougher time attracting new voters but he prefers to blame Hillary and Minorities without once asking himself if the reason nobody is jumping on the conservative bandwagon is simply because the product they are selling is crap.
It might very well explain why its President Obama and not President McCain or Romney in the White House.
Interesting how you worded this, where it if "Democrats" were inserted it would be called "Racist"!
Interesting how you worded this, where it if "Democrats" were inserted it would be called "Racist"!
Looks like Touqueville (sp?) was right, democracy works until the people find out they can vote themselves benefits. Conservatism isn't crap, Liberalism works until the Nation goes down the shit tube like Greece is doing ("until they run out of other people's money" M. Thatcher) . The dems rely on vote buying (Govt benefits programs), miss-educated youth who have been taught that socialism works. McCain wasn't much of a Candidate, but only mass hysteria/stupidity can describe the '08 election of an unqualified, inexpeirienced at anything, person like Obama.
As far as 37%, it vp[robably goes both ways with only 20% or so really up for grabs.
Perhaps in the dictionary, but...Liberals at the present time is a term used by Socialists and other Leftist who (at the top levels) want to control business, the people and everything else, they are not the Liberals of the earlier times.First of all George, Socialism refers to the Governments control over industry (its antithesis is capitalism), liberalism is a political ideology (antithesis is conservatism). Conservatives always equate the two words proving they don't really understand either one..
I used to acuse Bush II of spending like a Democrat, until the Dems took over and showed us how real Dems spend. Bush II spending had topped out & was dropping until the Dems took Congress (purse power) in '07, spending has sky rocketed since then.Secondly, Do you really think conservatives don't spend? They are the worst kind of spenders, the borrow and spenders. "Deficits don't matter" -Dick Cheney. Remember?..
A. Reagan inherited a sick economy from Carter, but you didn't hear Reagan blaming Carter for 6 years did you? Reagan deficit: Dems made a Deal with him that if he raised taxes they would cut spending one dollar for every dollar increase in taxes, he agreed and raised taxes but the Dems were lying, instead of cutting one dollar they raised spending by two dollars. Thatcher: yes, changing the direction of a nation's economy can cause disruptions.1. The right likes to blast the left with fancy catch phrases like Thatchers, but the problem is they NEVER want to talk about who had the better economic record. Fancy speeches don't replace hard numbers and they simply cannot backup the rhetoric.
Thatcher, Major, Reagan, and both Bushes policies have 1 thing in common. They all can be described as the 3 D's of Economics: Deficits, Debt, and Depression as they presided over the WORST economies in US and UK history.
2. McCain wasn't a good candidate, but the problem was that the "real" conservatives were even worse which is why they never got close to the nomination and got killed in the primaries.
3. Obama won because in 2008 because of 3 factors
A. The utter disaster of the Bush Administration. People were furious at the GOP (see #1, and the Iraq disaster didn't help either).
B. The fact that the GOP appeared to be completely brain dead about the looming economic crisis, going even as far as to deny its very existence showing how completely out of touch they were.
C. The selection of "Snowball Snooki" (the Alaskan version of "Jersey Shore") as running mate was the final nail in the coffin.
And you know what? Obama wasn't responsible for any of it.