When is it the right time?


Milforum's Bouncer
I've got some friends in Thailand and been watching it and listening to them and all in all the Thai people are very happy with the recent change in leadership courtesy of their armed forces. They had a corrupt incumbant that it would not have been possible to remove from office following the rules. With this added interest I have also been following the turmoil in Taiwan where the demonstrations (larger than the ones against Thaksin last year in Thailand) have been carrying on for a few weeks now. Another situation which it seems there is a corrupt incompetent leader embedded in the system. Will the Taiwanese follow the lead of their Thai neighbors? Who knows, needless to say it would be greeted by the PRC as the current leader has been rattling the independance saber to distract from his and his families dirty deeds. (Politicians really are the same no matter where you look.)

It has led me to ponder about my own country's political dung heap aka Washington DC and all those corporate sycophants vying to outdo each other in moral indecencies which would make Caligula applaud. The US congress is broken and it cannot be fixed because the very system that is broken is the one required to repair it. Anyone on here over the age of 30 understands the problems of campaign financing, PAC's, no term limits etc ad nauseum.

Jefferson said a little revolution from time to time is a good thing. Our founding fathers were most concerned with protecting the rights of individuals and were very concerned with preventing the government from turning into an oppressive regime, hence the bicameral house and three branches. They purposefully set them against each other so that they would not be able to run roughshod over the citizens of the US. However they didn't forsee politics as a career, fund raising, PACs etc. It would take legislation to fix the congress but this is the very borken system that is in most need of repair. Since the 60's they have rescinded authority to other branches in an effort to claim innocence at election time for unpopular moves, no matter how right or necessary. Their "democratisation" of the Congress has resulted in a bureaucracy of over 30,000 people who are simply the staff of the Senators and Representatives. Their are completely ineffectual.

At what point will my fellow Americans reach the levels of disgust that Taiwanese and Thai people have in their leaders who have done far less than all of these moral black holes occupying office in the states?

Is it time for the military to step in and restore the system intended by the founding fathers?
I would not say that it is not a future possibility....

How does one gauge when and is there enough people that actually realize the ride they are being taken for...Most people have no idea that congress doesn’t pay into social security or that they get their salaries for life and that is to just scratch the surface...Then after even finding this information our some don't even realize the impact that it has on them and think that it doesn’t affect them in any way...

The problem inherently lies in the education system...its funny how something funded so well is so defunct...
Teddy Roosevelt, where are you?

70 years ago one of our greatest presidents recognized the threat that national (now global) corporations placed in the lives of ordinary Americans. He fought tooth an nail to limit not only these corporations hold on the nations economy but of their influance in politics as well.

70 years, and we have still not learned the lesson. Corporations are by their very nature predatory. The only way they expand is by pushing somebody else out. This usually starts with their competitors expense, but soon its the public sector that becomes the victim. Thats why laissez-faire business is a bad idea, because if government is not their to keep these corporations (whose greed is inexhaustable) in check it will eventually destroy our very democracy.

We dont need military intervention, (at least not yet). What we need is REAL campaign finance reform to keep corporations out of politics and a real Ethics committee to root out the greedy politicians like Cunningham, Ney, Delay and Jefferson whose only interest in politics are self-serving.
I've got some friends in Thailand and been watching it and listening to them and all in all the Thai people are very happy with the recent change in leadership courtesy of their armed forces. They had a corrupt incumbant that it would not have been possible to remove from office following the rules. With this added interest I have also been following the turmoil in Taiwan where the demonstrations (larger than the ones against Thaksin last year in Thailand) have been carrying on for a few weeks now. Another situation which it seems there is a corrupt incompetent leader embedded in the system. Will the Taiwanese follow the lead of their Thai neighbors? Who knows, needless to say it would be greeted by the PRC as the current leader has been rattling the independance saber to distract from his and his families dirty deeds. (Politicians really are the same no matter where you look.)

It has led me to ponder about my own country's political dung heap aka Washington DC and all those corporate sycophants vying to outdo each other in moral indecencies which would make Caligula applaud. The US congress is broken and it cannot be fixed because the very system that is broken is the one required to repair it. Anyone on here over the age of 30 understands the problems of campaign financing, PAC's, no term limits etc ad nauseum.

Jefferson said a little revolution from time to time is a good thing. Our founding fathers were most concerned with protecting the rights of individuals and were very concerned with preventing the government from turning into an oppressive regime, hence the bicameral house and three branches. They purposefully set them against each other so that they would not be able to run roughshod over the citizens of the US. However they didn't forsee politics as a career, fund raising, PACs etc. It would take legislation to fix the congress but this is the very borken system that is in most need of repair. Since the 60's they have rescinded authority to other branches in an effort to claim innocence at election time for unpopular moves, no matter how right or necessary. Their "democratisation" of the Congress has resulted in a bureaucracy of over 30,000 people who are simply the staff of the Senators and Representatives. Their are completely ineffectual.

At what point will my fellow Americans reach the levels of disgust that Taiwanese and Thai people have in their leaders who have done far less than all of these moral black holes occupying office in the states?

Is it time for the military to step in and restore the system intended by the founding fathers?

Go for it brother. :biggun:
I would offer that democracy is already destroyed. And to think that any real reform on congress can come from congress is wishful thinking taken to the extreme. The military is the only option left but it would require public support. Gallup poll anyone?

Part of the oath taken by US military personell is as follows...

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlistees):

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The Oath of Office (for officers):

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

No where does it state to defend the government of the US, but rather the Constitution. This begs the question, will the military decide that congress and POTUS have gone too far and rectify the situation? It is very clear to anyone versed in the constitution that all three branches have overstepped their consitutional boundaries and have shirked their responsiblities. The public are too complacent to sort it out themselves so will multi-national conglomerations continue to run the country or will it return to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
I would offer that democracy is already destroyed. And to think that any real reform on congress can come from congress is wishful thinking taken to the extreme. The military is the only option left but it would require public support. Gallup poll anyone?

Part of the oath taken by US military personell is as follows...


No where does it state to defend the government of the US, but rather the Constitution. This begs the question, will the military decide that congress and POTUS have gone too far and rectify the situation? It is very clear to anyone versed in the constitution that all three branches have overstepped their consitutional boundaries and have shirked their responsiblities. The public are too complacent to sort it out themselves so will multi-national conglomerations continue to run the country or will it return to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

That could have the possibility of another civil war
Viva la revolution :horsie:LOL

Of course what we are talking about could be considered treason as well...
It is part of the American myth of our self-identity that our heroes are by and large the guys who did the wrong thing for the right reason. A coup to restore democracy like what we have witnessed in Thailand. Not a coup to establish a military dictator like Musharaf in Pakistan. I'm simply musing outloud. Part of the militia movement is grounded in this goal.