"What militaries have in common"


Active member
- NCO's hate Officers, even if they like them they pretend to hate them
- time is a relative thing, but you'll have never enough of it
- Your Weapon is your closest Friend
- Artillery can never be trusted 100%
- Anti-Air is the dark side of the force (Air Force)
- Don't expect too much intelligence from your personnel
- If the General says its red - it IS red
- to repeat an order is allowed, to question it is not such a good idea
- Excuses are for girls
- time makes almost every female beautifull
- never give away (or show) the picture of your girlfriend

... please feel free to continue
Only two things in the army are waterproof:
1. Your helmet
2. Your boots… because when the water gets in, it never gets out
- Redefining "luxury" after every Military Exercise/ trip... (e.g. defining eating from a plate as luxury)
1) All Female Military personel in Iraq are beautiful
2) They are only one plane ride away from being ugly again.