Today at the passport office (do read, it's a good story ;)

A Can of Man

Je suis aware
Hey guys. This is a true story from March 3rd. ;)
I was at the passport office to request for a new passport. But on
the form what u needed was two photos. One glued on and another in a
plastic slip stapled onto the form.
Now at first I had it normal.
Then while in line I was struck with another piece of inspiration.
I went back to the passport photo machine and stuck in another 5 bucks
worth of money... and I took a photo of myself with my tongue sticking
out and my hands open, facing forward and by my ears.
I put that silly photo in the plastic slip and got back in line.
When it was my turn the lady, so used to the routine didn't notice.
So I got a little ticked off and said, "fine! I'll just switch it!"
She paused THEN noticed what happened and laughed her ass off.

Man, I crack myself up :))
could you imagine having ur passport checked after a long flight and having lots of jetlag
"excuse me sir, can you please stick your tongue out, cross your eyes and put your fingers in your ears. thank you and welcome to the UK"
hehe, you need an afro wig, that would have gotten an awesome reaction from the lady, hehe, it would have really showed if she was awake or not!!! :lol: