Question about military terms


New Member
Hi !
I just would like to get some info about some strange supposed military terms used in a videogame, GTA san Andreas.

Could you just tell me what could means this sentence ?

"Roger that, Big Monkey, I got a 13-6 fat vulture. Need to acquire a drowning baby. Over. In 15 by the moon. Break your heart. Over and out."

Ho ! And also what is the meaning of "N O E"
Thanks a lot for answering ^^
You will probably find it is a lopsided mix of the writers humor, LE speak ,street speak, and mil speak. Mostly likely the writers poking fun at cop gibberish on there comms net.
Ok, so no real meaning, we can understand anything possible...
Well, thank you guys, i wich you all the best, and better again !
hmm and what about, real life. I heard in "Generation kill" TV series, radio conversations, there was some call signs like; "Hitman 2 actual" and the other where just "Hitman 2" or whatever, that does that actual mean? And other one interesting for me was interrogative, could some one explain me those to words?
Hitman 2 Actual would be the Platoon Commander (Actual) of the 2nd Platoon of the Company (Hitman by callsign). Some units use callsigns like Hitman internally on the Company and Bn Tac freq's, while on outside freq's use a SIO assigned callsigns ie: H4B16 etc.
When I first joined the Ambulance Service I kept hearing patients being refered to as "TF BUNDY".
Didn't want to show my ignorance, being the new guy so I never asked.
Actually, I thought it was a cardiac condition so each time I came across a new text book I looked it up, but no luck.
Eventually I found out it stood for:
