Mercenaries in Iraq


Active member
I found some figures in the net about mercenaries hired by the the US in iraq.
Actually there are meanwhile 20000 mercenaries said to work in Iraq hired by govermernts, companies, GOs and NGOs.
For example the mercenary company blackwater is said to be there....
Does anyone of you have further information?
Saw something about Blackwater the other day can not remember right now. I think it was after those americans were killed and hanged from the bridges in Baghdad. Here in the states they did a news article on them. sorry can't be more help than that.
I know that the National Guard authorizes a leave of absence to go work for Blackwater, etc. My buddy's team SGT, XO, 1SG took a leave of absence to go to Iraq with Blackwater. 25 grand for 60 days in country, not too shabby. Those three men were behind the car that got firebombed in Falluja, were the bodies were mutilated, and drug through the streets.

He is considering going to Blackwater as well.
yeah, i know also two guys who leave the bundeswehr this year, who also want to join blackwater or sandline....
some kind of crazy but well paid

If I was old enough I'd go fight with those guys. Even as a regular soldier. But they didn't accept me. they found out my age quick and turned me away. I'm ready to fight and do what ever it takes Even if it means dieng to protect those who i care about the most
dont be too hot on fighting......
first get a good training, then you are ready...
until then enjoy your youth ;)
yeah, i know also two guys who leave the bundeswehr this year, who also want to join blackwater or sandline....

Sandline is the most imfamous PMC around. They've been in more trouble than one can count. However, we'll no longer be able to read about their entertaining, yet troubling, exploits as they have closed up shop and are no longer conducting any operations. I guess that narrows down your mates choices? :lol:
Don't be in too much of a hurry to get there. I thought for sure I would be getting my CIB in Iraq. But fate works in mysterious ways. All of my boys got to go, and I got a $350,000 dollar education dropped in my lap. I feel really bad that I am not there with them, but in a few years I will be an LT. I am off to bigger and better things. I was afraid that I was missing my shot at combat. But there will always be more. I'll get it next time it comes around. Being a joe is a game for the young. I will be 20 in November. Coming up on three years in, my body is already feeling the bangs and bruises from the past two and a half years. I can only imagine what I'll be feeling after a few more.

Moral of the story, don't be in a rush. Trust me, I was. I enlisted a month after I turned seventeen. Take it nice and slow.