John Kerry

Oh yes it would be. Both parties agree that everybody on the opposite team is fair game before an election.

I find it surprising you would criticize Democrats on Ethics right now. I am not saying the Dems cannot be corrupt, but as we speak the numbers of Republican congressman under investigation or in jail has fed the nations population of criminal defense lawyers for the next decade.
Oh yes it would be. Both parties agree that everybody on the opposite team is fair game before an election.

I find it surprising you would criticize Democrats on Ethics right now. I am not saying the Dems cannot be corrupt, but as we speak the numbers of Republican congressman under investigation or in jail has fed the nations population of criminal defense lawyers for the next decade.

The problem with your stance is that these guys are under investigation only because of special interests that are doing their best to make the republicans look bad. There have been several issues that have been referred to as illegal acts and been refered to investigation that are a waste of taxpayers money. By that I mean that things have been taken totally out of context and applied in a false manner. I would estimate that 80-90% of the cases are totally politically motivated.

Should the democrats gain in the house or senate they will surely be subjected to the exact same type of investigations that have been dealt out by their party only this time it will be the republicans doing the dealing.

Just for the sake of argument there are as many, if not more, dirty democrats as republicans. Take your maid of honor at the moment HIlary, remember her dealings with White Water? It seemed that the lost files needed for the investigation were found months later IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Were they changed? My opinion is yes. There is also the situation with the 29 that needs to be considered. Bill Clinton was no choir boy, but at least we all know his motivation was where he was getting his next BJ. Hillary is another story and actually makes Bill look honest.

BTW, very few democrats even know the definition of Ethics, let alone have any.
Actually he's not that far off but he left out a major point.

Even if you DO work hard and study you can STILL wind up in Iraq. How many people do you know joined the service not because they were lazy but because they couldn't afford college? When I was in college several of my best friends had just returned from the Gulf War and it was the Army/Air Force (no Marines, sorry...:p) that was paying the tuition.

We saw the same thing in Vietnam, those who could afford college got deferments, those who couldnt got drafted. (Yes, there were exceptions).

What Kerry missed is that it isnt a matter of if you work hard or not, its how much green you got.

How many sons of Billionaires, do you see in the Service?

Wow man you just insulted a lot of people... I know people that went to college then joined the military, I know people that are in the military that are very smart....

Kerry botched a joke that he shouldnt have made in the first place, I cant believe you are trying to make excuses and justify his statement...

He has even said he didnt I suppose this shows how you dont always preach what you say about blindly following a party....

I'm sure their is some Billionaires sons in the military...I mean if their is princes in england in the military I'm sure there is some rich people in the US military...

Serving you country has nothing to do with money or smrats and you my friend just disgraced that...

Currently there is only 1 Democrat under investigation, William Jefferson. And do you know why hes under investiagtion? Its the same reason why Cunningham, Ney, Delay and all the rest got busted; he is corrupt. There are probably other Dems as well. You see, I can readily admit a bad apple in my barrel and won't make up conspiracy theories about political oppenents out to get whomever. Its simply a tale of greed.

The Republicans are no different. They are crooks. Pure and simple. And worse they all know it. Thats why NONE of their collegues go to their defense. When Cunningham and Ney went down how many Republicans rushed to their defense? ZERO. Guilty as sin and Just wait until the Abramoff investigation gets rolling. I would even go as far as to say that the GOP is more likely to be corrupted due to the close relations it has with big corporate interests.

Lets not try to make up wild conspiracy theories and excuses for criminal behavior shall we? Painting the GOP has good and the Dems is bad is very naive. There is good and bad on both sides.

BTW, roughly half of all Americans are Democrats. If you really think half of all your fellow countrymen have no ethics, what does that say about you?

You really are hung up on this stuff arent you...

Just google Democrates under investigation and start browsing...
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John Kerry forced to apologize by Democratic party leaders!

How funny.

The problems are:

1. He didn't write it.
2. He didn't read it.
and the coup de gras
3. He didn't mean it.
i saw the clip on cnn when he made this blunder. he was talking about education, and he said that if you don't get a good education, you will go to iraq. i don't know how he could have meant anything else by this comment.
I have seen a raging argument on another board (sports with a political forum) regarding the offenses that the military members may be punished under.

In the link to the Directive mentioned I could not find any wording that would give the soldiers concern. Anyone care to read the directive and determine if anything applies? I only gave it an hour, but I didn't see anything in this directive nor the directives noted that would make me believe that they should worry.
Kerry is NOT one of my favorite people ... however ... I have seen the transcript of what he was SUPPOSED to say. It was a putdown aimed directly at GW and in NO WAY a putdown for our military members. He did something that GW is famous for - he mangled a speech and in the process he inserted his foot into his own mouth. For that portion, I can find NO fault.

Whare I have a MAJOR heartburn though, is the way he handled the aftermath ... all he had to do was to apologise for his lapse and his twisted tongue, and this would have ended up as just another non-story.

Many of you are correct, I think that Kerry would have made a bad president (just not sure if worse than GW Bush, though).
Kerry is NOT one of my favorite people ... however ... I have seen the transcript of what he was SUPPOSED to say. It was a putdown aimed directly at GW and in NO WAY a putdown for our military members. He did something that GW is famous for - he mangled a speech and in the process he inserted his foot into his own mouth. For that portion, I can find NO fault.

Whare I have a MAJOR heartburn though, is the way he handled the aftermath ... all he had to do was to apologise for his lapse and his twisted tongue, and this would have ended up as just another non-story.

Many of you are correct, I think that Kerry would have made a bad president (just not sure if worse than GW Bush, though).

I can answer if he would be worse than President Bush.... absolutely. The major difference would have been the fact that Kerry has never shown one ounce of leadership where President Bush has.

As far as his "statement" after the fact, he did not apologize, he simply put the blame for understanding what he said on everyone else.

Well Bones, there is one thing that we can agree on....neither of us like Kerry.
Kerry botched the apology just like he botched the whole Swift Boat vets hitjob back in '04. Would he have made a bad president, I really cannot say (I hope we dont have to find out), he certainly was a bad candidate.

That being said, its ridiculous to claim that he deliberatly insulted the troops. Thats so far fetched as not to merit further comment. I simply find it impossible to believe that Kerry 'hates' the military despite the fact that he volenteered for combat duty in Vietnam.

That just stinks of dirty politics...
Kerry botched the apology just like he botched the whole Swift Boat vets hitjob back in '04. Would he have made a bad president, I really cannot say (I hope we dont have to find out), he certainly was a bad candidate.

That being said, its ridiculous to claim that he deliberatly insulted the troops. Thats so far fetched as not to merit further comment. I simply find it impossible to believe that Kerry 'hates' the military despite the fact that he volenteered for combat duty in Vietnam.

That just stinks of dirty politics...

The sad thing is that Kerry did not publically give his apology he put it up on his blog.

His comments were deliberate as well as his diverting the blame about the offense to those that were offended! Read the bolded portion of his statement below.
Statement of (not apology of) Senator John Kerry

As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: my poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and never intended to refer to any troop.

I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended.

It is clear the Republican Party would rather talk about anything but their failed security policy. I don’t want my verbal slip to be a diversion from the real issues. I will continue to fight for a change of course to provide real security for our country, and a winning strategy for our troops.


Then to top it all off he takes another shot at the President, though thinly veiled.

John Kerry's course of action has already been spelled out, it's call the CUT and RUN strategy and has been ignored by the "hit and run media". (The only thing RL says that is worth repeating.)
Kerry ment what he said...

In 1972 he was quoted with saying that a all volunatary military will lead to it being poor, black, and brown.... I will look up the resource of this I heard it on the radio...

Also some facts

98% of Recruits have a High School Diploma comapred to 75% of the nation

In 2004 92.1% of officers held a bachelors or higher degree

So basically our military is the cream of the crop....
Kerry ment what he said...

In 1972 he was quoted with saying that a all volunatary military will lead to it being poor, black, and brown.... I will look up the resource of this I heard it on the radio...

Also some facts

98% of Recruits have a High School Diploma comapred to 75% of the nation

In 2004 92.1% of officers held a bachelors or higher degree

So basically our military is the cream of the crop....

There was a period of time that to enlist in the Navy you were required to have an Associates Degree from Jr. College. I don't know how long it lasted, but recruiting was flush with applicants. I'm sure that since 9/11 they have been flush at times again, but with the current political atmosphere the people might be staying away a little more (at least those that have been indoctrinated by liberal parents). I know, that wasn't PC, but I don't have to be PC anymore!

I whole heartedly agree with your assessment of the current level of personnel we have in the military. These guys might not be rocket scientists over all, but there are some pretty intelligent people in all branches of the military - - - - even the Army!! :)

OK, take your shots groundpounders!!!! I'm ready!
Kerry said: 'There is no reason,(Bob,) that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children.'

Kerry Says 53% Of Children Do Not Graduate High School - Even the guys in the control room at NBC had raised eybrows. 02/01/06

The joke in Republican circles now is that if John Kerry didn't exist, Karl Rove would have to invent him. 01/31/06

John Kerry Blames Rush Limbaugh For Iraq Blooper - Failed presidential candidate John Kerry blamed top conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh Friday morning for the uproar over his claim that U.S. troops were terrorizing Iraqi women and children. 12/09/2005

The Truth

John Kerry is a Vietnam Veteran-Truth!
According to Kerry's bio and published reports, he is a Yale grad who enlisted in the Navy and served in Vietnam earning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.

John Kerry was in Vietnam for only four months-Truth!

The eRumor, as indicated, is taken from a guest editorial by Vietnam veteran Terry Garlock that was published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on January 29, 2004.

Kerry became a vocal critic of the Vietnam war and his image as a boat commander who became a protester made him an anti-war celebrity.
He joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War

His 1971 book The New Soldier was a collection of his and other anti-war Vietnam veterans writings and pictures.
The book became best known, however, because of its cover.
It pictured an anti-Vietnam war protest with a American flag flying upside down.
Some felt it was mocking the famous picture of the raising of the flag my Marines at Iwo Jima during World War II.
During his unsuccessful run for Congress in 1972, critics accused him of having desecrated the flag with the book cover

Regarding Kerry's medals, there was an emotional ceremony on 23, 1971, in which about one thousand veterans who were against the Vietnam war shed their military medals by throwing them over a fence barricade onto the steps of the capitol building in Washington D.C.
One of them was John Kerry and it was thought that he had forsaken his Vietnam medals.
The 1988 issue of Current Biography Yearbook says that Kerry explained that the medals were not his but those of another veteran who asked him to throw them on his behalf.
Critics of John Kerry say he either created a false impression by throwing the borrowed medals or spent a long time letting a false impression remain before he admitted that he still had his medals.
Defenders say Kerry never misrepresented the medals because he did not claim that they were his and openly displays them in his office.

Senator Kerry, Media Darling
The media have circled the wagons around the junior senator from Massachusetts.

By Thomas Sowell

Candidates are not the only major factors in this year’s elections. The media have taken a big role — and a biased role.

The latest in a long list of examples is the way they have immediately circled the wagons around John Kerry to protect him and the Democrats from the reaction to an ill-advised remark that the senator made at a college in California.

What was the remark? “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

That’s what the man said. It’s on tape so there is no basis for dispute about that. What there is a dispute about is what it meant.

One plain meaning is that, if you don’t get a good education, you could end up getting sent to Iraq. This would be consistent with a disdain for the military apparent not only in Senator Kerry’s voting record but also that of many other Democrats in Congress. So the Republicans grabbed that ball and ran with it.

Senator Kerry now claims that it was a “botched joke,” meaning that President Bush didn’t get a good education and that he has gotten the country stuck in Iraq. Even if we bend over backward to believe that Kerry didn’t really mean what he said, but had simply messed up the punch line, his follow-up statement later on only made matters worse.

He said he would “apologize to no one” that if anyone would believe that “a veteran, someone like me,” would “somehow criticize more than 140,000 troops serving in Iraq” then “they’re crazy.”

Maybe Senator Kerry has a bad memory — or maybe he is counting on the rest of us having a bad memory. He criticized more than 140,000 troops serving in Vietnam, making sweeping and unsubstantiated accusations against them of widespread atrocities back in the 1970s.

He criticized them at home and abroad, giving aid and comfort to our enemies in wartime. That is what first got the Swift Boat veterans after him, years before he ran for president in 2004.

Regardless of whether we believe Kerry’s account of his service in Vietnam or the very different accounts by many who served in the same unit with him there, military service does not confer lifetime immunity from criticism for what you do afterwards. Benedict Arnold was a military hero during the Revolutionary War. But General Arnold changed his mind on that war, just as Senator Kerry has changed his mind on the war in Iraq — and no one has claimed that Benedict Arnold’s earlier military service made him exempt from criticism.

How is this story played in the media? The front-page headline on the San Francisco Chronicle read: “Bush, GOP seize on Kerry’s Gibe to Turn Focus from War in Iraq.” The Chronicle has learned well the New York Times’s technique of imputing motives instead of reporting facts.

Has any Democrat ever been accused by the mainstream media of “seizing on” some statement by a Republican, much less have bad motives imputed?

This is not the first time the media have circled the wagons around Senator Kerry. Despite the fact that Kerry has shamelessly tried to exploit his military service in Vietnam decades later, Tim Russert is the only major media commentator who has ever asked him why he will not open his military records, as President Bush has done.

Kerry has said that he would, that he has, and yet to this day he has never signed the simple form that Bush signed to make the facts available to all.

What makes this all the more important in the case of Senator Kerry is that he has not only made his military service a claim to national leadership but has put his honorable discharge on his web site — where its date, years after he left the military, raised serious question about his credibility.

The date of his honorable discharge was during the Carter administration, when less than honorable discharges were allowed to be upgraded. But why would a military hero need that?

Except for Tim Russert, the mainstream media show no such interest in that question as they did when they relied on a forged memo to trash George W. Bush’s military service. Biased? You bet.
I have seen a raging argument on another board (sports with a political forum) regarding the offenses that the military members may be punished under.

In the link to the Directive mentioned I could not find any wording that would give the soldiers concern. Anyone care to read the directive and determine if anything applies? I only gave it an hour, but I didn't see anything in this directive nor the directives noted that would make me believe that they should worry.




Look at where they are, what they are wearing, what they are saying and where the materials came from to make their sign.

Just some thoughts if someone wants to get technical.



Look at where they are, what they are wearing, what they are saying and where the materials came from to make their sign.

Just some thoughts if someone wants to get technical.

In all cases I think the personnel can be considered to be responding to a comment made about them personally.

Me? I would say that each of the participated in a botched joke and issue an apology to Jon Carry as in the following:

As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in politics and to their loved ones: my poorly stated joke in response to a poorly stated joke, and never intended to refer to any politician.

I sincerely regret that my sign was misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in politics, and I personally apologize to any politician, family member, or American who was offended.

It is clear the Democratic Party would rather talk about anything but their failed junior Senator from Mass. I don’t want my sign to be a diversion from the real issues what ever they may be.

Considering the soldiers are not available for comment I would like to issue this statement on their behalf.

This advertisement has not been approved nor has it been reviewed by the democratic national party nor any of it's candidates.