Ft Hood shootings

hmmm... i don't know but it sounds like your garden variety nutjob losing it and taking people with them on their way out...
but his believes probably would of effected what he did and why...
Seems to be a trend, first high schools, then a college campus in Austin Texas, then in Virginia, now a U.S. Army base, guys going nuts and just shooting.

I bet that Major couldn't held his own in a fight without those firearms, I think the soldiers there that he attacked defiantly would have stomped him in. But I didn't' turn out fair once again, another reason it makes me worried.

To me thats the biggest indicator of a serious crime, when someone uses force in a way towards someone who cannot defend themselves against,I mean the soldiers were on American soil, Im pretty sure they weren't kitted for a firefight at the time, thats why it pisses me off more to know what that guy did, if they have a problem just going nuts like that won't fix it, you don't like someone then there are other ways to let them know, nonviolent ways. The shooter is a true moron
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but his believes probably would of effected what he did and why...

Since eyewitnesses reported him yelling Allahu Akbar before opening fire, I would say that his beleifs had a great deal to do with it.


It wasn't PTSD or multiple deployments or the climate towards muslims at FT Hood (where the chapels are open special times for Muslim prayers and there's a Mosque right outside the base) that drove him to do this. He obviously beleives that he was doing it in the name of Allah. Sounds like domestic terrorism to me. I am really looking forward to his trial. As a side note, the officer who shot him 4 times was a woman. I wonder how he feels about that, seeing how highly they think of women in this part of the world.
A high ranking terrorist officer in your ranks? very hard to believe- plus with his rank he could easily have caused a lot more damage, why should al qaida risk losing that intel and power for some dozen dead american soldiers? Makes no sense to me. Maybe for Americans everything in his own language sounds like Allahu Akbar- or if it is true it's not hard to believe that someone doing this will pray to his god- there is not automatically a link to terrorists- just because it sounds similar to one. Many many christian people going amok pray...
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Ft Hood shotings

Islam excuse is humbaging.Its like god made me do it defence. What ever hepend to him or why. He needs neow to be monitoroed 24/7 by psyhitrist or prisons
gards. Before anyone asks im not musslim. But i sove how religons abyliti to be
bended to difrnent interpertetions can be used for deads that have nothing
to do with religon. Those who claim such humbug usiuly have other agenda. End they should be put in prison for hate speach. Enywhey iwe gone ltile of topic but i dont think we can konklude enything yet about him exept mental health cere house or prison wher he will end up
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"the officer who shot him 4 times was a woman. I wonder how he feels about that, seeing how highly they think of women in this part of the world."
It's too bad her aim wasn't better - it would have saved the survivors the trouble of having to face this nutjob at his court martial (along with the expense to the American people).
One day our great leaders will wake up and realize that this enemy does not want to sit down and talk. They will do anything and everything to remove us from this planet. When you can't trust the guy your pulling guard duty with, it's time to stop talking and start firing.
When I was in service we had a guy who was an African Muslim in our unit. Great guy but he told me on more then one occasion that some of his reletives pressured him to desert because he was fighting for the wrong side. I wonder if this guy was catching heat and decided to take his family's advice? Not saying that makes anything better, just wondering if that's what pushed his cheese off the cracker.
She should have just emptied her clip.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one interesting trial. I wonder what it is that got him to go from joining up to going nuts and shooting people. And it's not like the case they had early in OIF where that one guy threw a grenade into a command tent because he was pissed off about invading Iraq.
I mean really what happened?
A high ranking terrorist officer in your ranks? very hard to believe- plus with his rank he could easily have caused a lot more damage, why should al qaida risk losing that intel and power for some dozen dead american soldiers? Makes no sense to me. Maybe for Americans everything in his own language sounds like Allahu Akbar- or if it is true it's not hard to believe that someone doing this will pray to his god- there is not automatically a link to terrorists- just because it sounds similar to one. Many many christian people going amok pray...

Are you serious? Timothy McVeigh committed an act of domestic terrorism and he wasn't linked to Al Qaida. Plenty of people in plenty of countries have comitted acts of domestic terrorism without being part of Al Qaida. I'm not suggesting that they somehow planted an operative in our ranks, but you can't possibly beleive this doesn't play into their hands can you? This struggle is idealogical in nature, no matter how you cut it. PUA suggesting that people be imprisoned for hate speech for saying so is probably one of the most outrageous things I've ever heard and showcases his lack of understanding of the issue. They have already stated that he was looked at for making pro terrorist statements in the past. He doesn't need to be an active member of Al Qaida to be of value to them. The act he committed just focused world wide attention to the Iraq/Afghanistan issue, shocked and alarmed the military establishment as a whole (all the way to the President) and caused the deaths of US military personel.... I hate break this to you but that is Al Qaida's goal. It's what they try to do every single day in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am not saying that Islam made him do it, I'm saying that HIS ineterpretation of Islam had to have played into his issues. Every, and I mean EVERY soldier in the Army knows that terrorists routinely scream God is great right before they set off a bomb, shoot a soldier, or blow themselves up. You cannot sit there and tell me that he said that by accident or that he chose those exact words knowing he was about to die. He said it right before HE opened fire, not before the cops did. He said it before HE killed, not before he knew he was going to be killed. You can fool yourselves all you want, but Al Qaida is celebrating this guy's deeds right now, wether he cares or not.
Not him directly but people who inspire hate in anybody any country. Iwe gone litle two far beacause this is my peorsonal beserk buton and i didnt thinked clearly or typed clerly
he should be in jail ol mental institution but anybody saing anything in style of were opresed jesus or alah wants us to rule world with anybody even in early stages should be put for hate speach or other punishment acoridng to law if he sad enything in stlyle were beter than you is early warning my country was destroyed beacause people stated tolking about opresion and coreption insted other
problems anybody saying remove the corapt from my country. is hate speach
and leads to teorism. He should be put for hate speach earlier or investegetd and then he vouldunt do this beacusa he would be discovered if gave earlier any signs vould be there if you look colose enough for istince excluding surten groups out of your life ive
heard fbi is investigeted him earlier how they didnt discover anything anywey
islam or other radiclazetions are answer to other problems and i know that early warning signs can be senn on thime for such things if its islam or ather things realeted
i wane say that compering islam or cristianty or puting sombady alses fault is way to radicalization and hete of other side If its just instant rage than it would be difrently but this was planed so there war ealy warning signs that he plans sothing like hate speach thear did i make at more cleraly neow? or do i need to explein more. also that things are cover for other psiho fizikal problems ive had to make break to rleax
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A high ranking terrorist officer in your ranks? very hard to believe- plus with his rank he could easily have caused a lot more damage, why should al qaida risk losing that intel and power for some dozen dead american soldiers? Makes no sense to me. Maybe for Americans everything in his own language sounds like Allahu Akbar- or if it is true it's not hard to believe that someone doing this will pray to his god- there is not automatically a link to terrorists- just because it sounds similar to one. Many many christian people going amok pray...

I agree I would doubt that this is anything more than a guy that went nuts, certainly I would doubt that it was an "organised" attack by a major group as this guy would have been worth his weight in gold to them from an intelligence and influence point of view.
Thats it I am voicing my opinion, my country was founded on the belief and practice of free religion, without interference from the government, this carries on throughout society in America, even in the military, the military as an institution does not care what your faith is and will not treat you any different, thats the way it should be!

I don't do not discriminate on faith, and am very tolerate of other faiths. But when someone uses that to advance violent religious goals then that is wrong, and that is the one major flaw I see with our system of society, not just government.

What he did causes mistrust and a degree of division, no matter how small, in allot of Americans, and it pisses me off, now all Muslim Americans will be looked at in a hostile light, all because this prick in the minority of radicals killed his fellow Americans. Doesn't matter if he did it for God or not, people don't see that, all they see is that he is Islamic convert or not, and people will have prejudices towards him now, whether its right or wrong the general public doesn't care, and their opinions will reflect that. That combined with misinformation, some people if you slip up that he is (was he really?) in anyway Islamic, well thats all they need to hear, and screw the facts! Thats all they wanna hear.

Pisses me off! This if it grows, or there are more incidents would tear our country apart.
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Yeah obviously this guy wasn't linked to Al Qaeda. If he did, he failed his mission, no? I am pretty sure he was acting on his own. I just wonder what it was that caused the slide from joining the Army to the shootout.
I have noticed one thing, they do not have to be part of al quida to want to kill people, all this guy did for me was reinforce my belief that they all want non muslims dead. I can see a radical fundamentalist l muslim nutjob strapping a bomb to himself and walking around in the local market place mumbling about aliah and virgins, but a Major in the UNITED STATES ARMY?
All this ******* did was make me believe more and more that Islam wants all non muslims dead.
I find it hard to believe that in this country we do not allow the worship of Wicca in public, but we allow a mosque
I find it hard to believe that in this country we do not allow the worship of Wicca in public, but we allow a mosque

Not true. At least not here. We have a group of Wiccans who practice openly without fear of punishment. I work with two of them and am related to another. People may frown on their belief system, but as far as the folks around here are concerned, you can do what you want as long as you don't break any laws. Freedom of religion is one of the things this country was founded on. I don't agree with 90% of the religions out there, but who am I to say they can't practice their faith? I respect them as people, let them worship as they please, and move on with my life. Its not worth getting into a huff over.

I know many of you have problems with Muslims, and I can't say don't agree with many of you, but not all Muslims are terrorists. They aren't all bad people. This intolerance on everyone's part is what's gotten the world into a lot of the mess its in. Its really sad.
Muslims are as diverse as you can get.
No, they don't want all non Muslims dead.
The truth is they hate each other and Muslims go off killing Muslims far often than we know of. So it is more complicated.
That's what I mean by this trial is going to be interesting. Obviously this guy didn't have this sort of attitude when he first signed up. At least, I don't think anyone with this sort of mentality, unless a part of a larger plan, would go through all that stuff to become a psychiatrist (not an easy education route) and then get Comissioned in the Army to blow it on shooting people in a building. And if he was a part of a larger plan, he's failed his mission miserably.

I'd go on, but I got a feeling some folks would mistake it as me justifying this guy's actions or whatnot. I'm not justifying it. This guy should be hung (firing squad is too honorable for this guy). But that sort of jumping to stuff kind of attitude is what leaves questions unanswered and problems unsolved.