Fox Hunting in Ireland.

Del Boy

Active member
Hey - this is an absolutely true story. This last week-end, my middle son was fox hunting in Limerick. His own horse is too fine for hunting, so he had another. Off they went and he was in the leading group, the most comfortable to be on that land.

Word from the master came for the last of that group to dismount and close a gate. When my son checked, he found that they had left the rest far behind, so he took on the job. But, as can be their wont, his horse had no desire to stop. He was enjoying the chase just a little too much. However, he was brought to a halt, and was led back to the gate. As the gate was closed, the horse managed to tear the reins from my son's hand and take off, but he was not quite quick enough and my son dived and took another grab and grasp of the reins, whereupon he was torn off his feet , flew through the air and found himself deposited face first in the hugest puddle of cow-s*** in Ireland.

Then the horse took the opportunity to take off at speed.

My son found himself alone, miles from nowhere, with no idea of where he was and where he was to follow! Also - he was completely covered in cow-s***.

Undeterred, he struggled on, as always, found his horse, remounted and managed to pick the trail. Eventually he made ground on the leaders, and they spotted him as he approached.

Bloody Hell, they shouted - Its Al Jolson!
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Oh, I thought you're talking about me. :? lol..just kidding.

As for your son's story, it was pretty funny.
Right Spike, and, it seems, for the reputation. The horsemen of Limerick loved it and he is riding high. As it happens, he is always a winner. Limerick, Harlem, Greenwich Village, San Francisco - there's always a story about Nic.