Fickle Public


Milforum's Bouncer

They're all a bunch of bloody sheep I tell ya. This is a very telling graphic about the nature of American politics, opinion polls and the media.
Was it ever really in doubt?

Democracy is just one step above Hitler. Surprising that for 8,000 years of human civilization Democracy is the best we have to show?

Democracy is the like Ford Model T of governments... at least we don't have to hand-crank the motor every morning anymore! It's like a 2 on the scale of 1-10 and surprisingly a 2 is the best we've been able to do!
Isn't the quote:"Opinions are like ***holes, everybody has go one!" very appropriate. Worst of it is, that everybody feels he/ she needs to be heard as well.
Get rid of this vanity and we have an opening for another political system.
Excuse my stupidity but what exactly is being measured in this table. The war on terror? or the presidents approval rateing or what?
Why does everyone keep referring to the American Government as a democracy? As far as I can remember, we have been a republic who elects representatives to represent us in DC. If anything has changed since 1776, please advise me.

Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and democracy ... and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had created a republic.

U.S. Army Training Manual TM2000-05, 1928

Democracy, n. "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic - negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."
Why does everyone keep referring to the American Government as a democracy? As far as I can remember, we have been a republic who elects representatives to represent us in DC. If anything has changed since 1776, please advise me.

No wonder that elections in the US are such a spectacle. I wonder what it looks like when a Republic drops by to cast a vote.... Overhere we have actual people waiting in line to cast their vote on who they want as a representative.... but that must be a democracy?
Ted said:
No wonder that elections in the US are such a spectacle. I wonder what it looks like when a Republic drops by to cast a vote.... ?

That's exactly what happens now and has ever since we were a country. Ever hear of Caucuses and electoral college? That's a Republic at work. One man, one vote, the very base of a Republic. Although, I think we could do just fine without the Electoral College and trust the delegates to make the decision the votes sent them to make.

What exactly do you mean by a spectacle? What's different about your elections? I am truly interested.
Well you made it sound like the republic votes for itself. Like it is a living thing going to the ballot. Who chooses the president and doesn't "We the people" mean the all free man have a say in the business of your country? Isn't that democracy at work?

It was this quote:
Why does everyone keep referring to the American Government as a democracy?
that made we wonder what your government is. You talk about votes, one man one vote if I recall correctly. How can you say your a republic and not a democracy. We have a one man one vote principal overhere as well, but we are a constitutional monarchy. In my opinion the abstract level of republic and democracy are non-compatible. First you decide whether the common man has a say ( demos = people) then you choose the structure on how you want to run your nation, be it king or president.
It is a democratically elected republic if we must split the hairs down to the scalp. But it is a republic as the people do not have a direct say in affairs. The founding fathers were all for landed citizens having a vote (constitutional origin of the Jim Crow laws ;) ) but they were elitists and believed the common folk too rustic to truly understand what is best for them.
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Ted said:
Well you made it sound like the republic votes for itself. Like it is a living thing going to the ballot. Who chooses the president and doesn't "We the people" mean the all free man have a say in the business of your country? Isn't that democracy at work?

It was this quote:
Why does everyone keep referring to the American Government as a democracy?
that made we wonder what your government is. You talk about votes, one man one vote if I recall correctly. How can you say your a republic and not a democracy. We have a one man one vote principal overhere as well, but we are a constitutional monarchy. In my opinion the abstract level of republic and democracy are non-compatible. First you decide whether the common man has a say ( demos = people) then you choose the structure on how you want to run your nation, be it king or president.

I'm sorry but this has lowered to the silly level and doesn't deserve spending time on. You read my post and I know you understood what it meant.
Why does everyone keep referring to the American Government as a democracy? As far as I can remember, we have been a republic who elects representatives to represent us in DC. If anything has changed since 1776, please advise me.

Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and democracy ... and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had created a republic.

U.S. Army Training Manual TM2000-05, 1928

Democracy, n. "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic - negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."

I can tell you what has changed since 1776.... besided having a Constitution now. The Senate in the United States is now Elected by the People.... not so when the "Republic" here first started. The Senate used to be Appointed, and the Senate removes the President from Office on Impeachment.

So now, today, in America the Nation has moved passed a mere "Republic".

Definitions of democracy on the Web:

  • the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives

  • a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

  • majority rule: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
1 a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government b (1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit <the French Fourth Republic>

1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

Dictionaries are still considered the arbiters of the meaning of a word, in any language. Without them we would all devise personal definitions and society would descend into chaos as communication would become impossible.

As one can see from the definitions per Webster, the two terms of republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive and there is a deal of overlap. As previously stated and from the definitions above one can see that the US government was and still is a democratic republic.
bulldogg said:
As previously stated and from the definitions above one can see that the US government was and still is a democratic republic.

Bingo! Just the way I learned it in elementary school. :mrgreen:
And just like we have a Senate and a House of Representative to control the passions of the mob, do not remove the Electoral College from the Presidential Election Process. That is what gives balance nationally so that all views are represented at the table come vote counting time. If the Presidential Election were simply due to population, whoever wanted to win would only concentrate on California, New York, Florida and Texas and he'd just about have the win. The wants and needs of the other states would never be aired, let alone be part of the process.
You know what is strange... I cannot find a single report on the Congressional Approval Rating. What's more amazing about it is that the current Democratic Party Controlled Congress is that their approval rating is around 30%.... Yup, about 30% agrees with them.

What is more amazinf about it is that the Drive By Media will not report about the Congressional Approval Rating. Why, because they are the lap dog of the current US Democrat Liberal Defeatist Party!

The US Constitution stated that each state legislature selected their senators. Each state is allowed to senators. But senators have been directly elected since the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy. When will people remember that.

Karl Marx of communist fame stated that a constitutional republic is a protective legal framework for what he considered to be "capitalist exploitation." He says: "All the bourgeois economists are aware of is that production can be carried on better under the modern police than e.g. on the principle of might makes right. They forget only that this principle is also a legal relation, and that the right of the stronger prevails in their 'constitutional republics' as well, only in another form."

When people release that they can vote for what they want then the government and society as a whole is destoryed. That is the main issue of a democracy. Which is why our founding father knew that the USA needed to be a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
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You know what is strange... I cannot find a single report on the Congressional Approval Rating. What's more amazing about it is that the current Democratic Party Controlled Congress is that their approval rating is around 30%.... Yup, about 30% agrees with them.

What is more amazinf about it is that the Drive By Media will not report about the Congressional Approval Rating. Why, because they are the lap dog of the current US Democrat Liberal Defeatist Party!

The US Constitution stated that each state legislature selected their senators. Each state is allowed to senators. But senators have been directly elected since the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy. When will people remember that.

When people release that they can vote for what they want then the government and society as a whole is destoryed. That is the main issue of a democracy. Which is why our founding father knew that the USA needed to be a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.

When the Founding Fathers started the Nation under the US Constitution not many in America were allowed to Vote, and the US Senate was not Elected by the People. Not so now days.

Today Blacks, Woman, and American Indians are allowed to Vote with everyone else.

As for the outdated Electoral College System, the US Senate can remove any President upon Impeachment from the US House, so in the end the Majority of the people have the final say in America.