Anyone in the mood to get infuriated?

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Check this out, but only if you don't have a heart condition, I'm a 21 year old in very good health (if I do say so myself :wink: ), and I even almost had a heart-attack when I ran across this site:

by typing "f*** the hippies" into a google search. It's a great feeling to know that someday you might die to protect these peoples' freedom, and they would probably spit on your grave.
Basically they're exploiting the deaths of children to further their political agenda. They have a bunch of the pictures that Saddam's Ministry of Information released during the war of children they claimed we killed or wounded by attacking civilian targets. Pretty much just a bunch of people who swallowed Saddam's tall tales hook, line, and sinker, but refuse to believe their own government. And then they turn around and try to say they support our troops followed by a bunch of rubbish about "illegal war."
The left si so hypocritical when it comes to any notion of "baby killers", there the ones who have supported the holocust of abortion. :evil:
I see a few contradictions on that site.

First, look at the second picture of the little girl with the eye wound. Then look at the color of the uniform of the person treating her. Not that oh-so-typical Iraqui desert brown is it??? Colateral damage is a known fact of war, yet where was the almighty Republican Guard when this girl got hit?

Second, I'm sure that the people went to the trouble to find out that little Ali's entire family was obliterated by a JDAM. Look at how much detail they give on his story, like they took the time to figure all this out. Please. Hippie propaganda at it's best.

"Nada Adnan, 13 years old and a student at high school for girls, states 'I wish that God would take Bush. Why did he do this to us? to me'? Would you rather live under Saddam and more than likely face the humiliation of being raped by Uday?

My point is, where is the proof that ANY of these children said any of what these people qoute? It is a true tragedy that any child has to suffer like these ones have, but these people now have a true shot at being as free as we are.
First off we have no conclusive evidence all of these incidents were US bombs, these could easilly have been saddam retribution attacks or just anti-air rounds gone astray, and with the kind of crappy equiptment mr. huissen had been getting, thas certainly not out of the question.
Oh and notice the war in Iraq is costing 97 billion dollars. What kind of drugs are they on? WW2 wouldn't have cost even that. Come on you can't put algorithms to these things.
They just take their freedom for granted. They don't understand the sacrifices made by the military. In reality, they must hate freedom. Considering they think that liberating a country from an insane dictator is not worth any effort. In my opinion, freedom is definitely worth fighting for. Even if it is for another country. I dare them to go to an Iraqi family that has been hurt by saddam's regime and tell them that their freedom is costing too much.
The irony (or one part of it) is that a lot of these same people show up at "Free Tibet" rallies. Now how do you suppose they suggest Tibet go about gaining this freedom? By throwing marijuana at the communists?

They want to help people less fortunate than ourselves (those of us living free, not just Americans) just so long as it doesn't require them to make any sacrifices or have any less than positive effect on their lives. They are unwilling to give up any part of their little comfort zone even if it means saving the lives of countless innocents. The price of freedom to them is comfort, and that is a price they are not willing to pay. Crazy SOBs.
Well said Redneck, as I told somone yesterday, we owned this war to the Iraqi people after Clinton panzied out of the '95 coup. I see it as though we the US, have let these people down to much, and are indirectly responsible for thousands of their dead (Of course Saddam is the ultimate bad guy, but c'mon, it's not like Clinton was making it hard for him)
Such sick and demented people; what they're doing is just plain wrong!!!!

Ive notice alot of contradictions also.

In the second picture if the baby is so wounded, why are they holding her in that posistion and cause more injury to the girl?

The kid with his arms blown off is Smiling!

'I wish that God would take Bush. Why did he do this to us? to me'?
Arent 99% of the people in Iraq muslim, so wouldn't she be asking Allah?
Jamoni said:
So, you think the photos were fake, and no children are dying in Iraq? Well, that's a relief.

Did I ever say anything along those lines, Jamoni? No, I expressed my disgust with the exploitation of their deaths/injuries (and the very likely misinformation put out about the circumstances that resulted in these conditions) for political purposes.
But you don't mind that their deaths and injuries were caused for political purposes? IE to remove a dictator (or WMD, or alquaeda links, whatever)? Bottom line is, war involves dead and mutilated children (and adults for that matter). If you believe this war is just, then you have to accept the consequences.
And it won't help to get all outraged whenever someone SHOWS you those consequences.
Jamoni said:
And it won't help to get all outraged whenever someone SHOWS you those consequences.

Did you actually go to that site? Hell, at least two of the pictures linked to from there are from Saddam's gasing of the Kurds (recognized them from a several year old magazine article, I don't know how to go about tracing them as they are not properly labelled on the site). I DO care about the victims of collateral damage, but the morons in charge of that website insinuate, in fact straight out claim, that civilians were the targets of those munitions, which is a blatant lie. I DO believe the war is just, and am prepared to accept the consequences of that statement (and have started down the path of taking on the burden of those consequences by joining the service), but you know damn well that the people running that wep-page are not simply reporting facts, they have a blatantly obvious political agenda and are not above using MISINFORMATION (since you have overlooked this in the previous posts) to meet that end.

I do not know how you can possibly defend these people, Jamoni, I mean, I know we think along entirely different paths, but how a rational person could swallow their line of bull is beyond me.
On a side note, anybody check out the link on the site to that retired sergeant's page where he claims that we (the American military) used tactical nuclear munitions in the first Gulf War?
I don't buy their bull, Redneck. At no point have I defended them. I agree that the site posted is innaccurate and misleading, possibly on purpose. But then so is the info from our government. What I DO know is that there ARE civilian children dying and being mutilated in Iraq by American men and women.
I find it laughable that the worst thing you can accuse these people of is misniformation. OH no, they are LIARS! Not like our incorruptibly honest President! They probably have done cocaine, and drive drunk! Please.
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