Age/ height,weight/ max bench press


Age : 22.......... Soon 23 :camo:

Height : 5 ft 11 inches

Weight : 76 kg

Max Bench Press: 400 100 -140 :(

Age: 16
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 190lbs
Bench: 145lbs
Clean: 158lbs
Squat: 245lbs
Dead lift: 265lbs

Age: 22 (23 in march)

height: 5"10

weight: hmmmm a woman never gives that away lol ( I ain't a heffer) well its about 168 kgs thats like 12 stones, don't do metric

bench: ain't got the foggy but h3ll i'll throw in 110kg's for a laugh

(can wrap my legs around my head, if that counts?
Age: 39
Height: 5'11
Weight: 240

Never benched: but I can still push my middle-aged carcass off the ground 20 times in succession, does that count? :)

Stafford911 said:
I feel very small now


Don't feel that way: At your height and age, Napoleon Bonaparte was a commissioned officer in the French Artillery.
im 5'11''-6' depending on who u ask. i weigh about 250. im 18 and last time i maxed i was at 265 but i should be up to around 280-290 now. but i prefer the squat. got a good 420 there.
5'-10" 135-140lb; bench 170, not bad since I could barely put up 80 as a freshman. I dead lift 375 though.