31st MEU Questions

Oh RoKMC is good I've heard. Hear it has an extremely similar set-up as the USMC. I like to call the Korean one "Rock" MC.
Yeah. But isn't there a special selection process for sergeants? Because later I'm thinking about 0369.

Don't even worry about Infantry Small Unit Leader (0369) it's a Staff NCO designator and you probably won't even look at the Staff Select list for at least 9 years.
I was with the 31st MEU(SOC) CE for 2 years in oki. You have the command element, bt landing team, air combat element and the service support group. All the BLTs are from The states and there is no permanent BLT. They rotate in every 6 months. You can be almost any MOS in a MEU, you just have to be attached to the MEU. The 31st is different because we spend all our time forward deployed. I'd be on base for a couple of months, then at sea for a couple of months then gone on ops for a couple more. I need spent more than 2 months at a time on base.