Yeah..... Kinda forgot.......


Active member

My name is Vitaly.
I was born in Moscow, but currently live in Ohio.
Jr. in High-School
Couple of months till I sign my Army contract (not 17)
Go to the DEP at local recruiter's with already signed buddies
Play hockey and golf
About to be US Citizen (day to day)

Oh, and I like these forums.... ;)
Yeah..... Kinda forgot.......
Batter late than never... :)


What does your signature say by the way?
(Not too happy about text I don't understand in the forum.. ;) )
The text says that "SpetzNaz operations maybe hazardous to one's health" It's a funny little quote I picked up off of some Spetznaz poster.
oi oi shippers..................

welcome to this lil wierd under world full of suprises.....I will be your guide til you tell me to bugger off lol

Nah welcome and have fun