Why is TV going downhill?


Most of the new shows created now days are crappy reality shows. Why do Americans like to watch stuff like this? Can't we have a serious show for once? I would like a show that involves these serious themes.

-political intrigue
-political corruption
-any serious topic

I really liked the Clone Wars. Even for a franchise as big as Star Wars the Clone Wars cartoon was aimed at an older audience. It was on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. I especially liked the episodes that involved political corruption and Clone Trooper training.
I know what you mean, there's also so many commercials. Sitting through commercials on public television has become almost impossible. They're not what they used to be, and it probably has something to do with surfing the internet. We've become accustomed to having this constant control of what we're looking at and our attention spans are much shorter.
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I know what you mean, there's also so many commercials. Sitting through commercials on public television has become almost impossible. They're not what they used to be, and it probably has something to do with surfing the internet. We've become accustomed to having this constant control of what we're looking at and our attention spans are much shorter.

There's a lot of advertisements on satellite TV as well, the beauty is I record most of the programs on PVR I want to watch and fast forward.
There's a lot of advertisements on satellite TV as well, the beauty is I record most of the programs on PVR I want to watch and fast forward.

I do exactly the same to avoid those nauseating commercials. The only time I don't is when I'm watching the occasional live event like a football game. Those recorders are a blessing.
Off Topic: BTW sorry to hear about South Africa. The US has slipped a bit, morally crime is pretty high over here as well.
Most of the new shows created now days are crappy reality shows. Why do Americans like to watch stuff like this? Can't we have a serious show for once? I would like a show that involves these serious themes.

-political intrigue
-political corruption
-any serious topic

I really liked the Clone Wars. Even for a franchise as big as Star Wars the Clone Wars cartoon was aimed at an older audience. It was on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. I especially liked the episodes that involved political corruption and Clone Trooper training.

Clone Wars is awesome, I have seasons 1-4 on Blu Ray. Being the STARWARS geel that I am me and a few colleugues went to check otu the huge STARS WARS exhibit in Paris (handy that's its just down the street from us).

They had a some sneak peeks of STAR WARS: Rebels running, i think it will be pretty sweet.
Geez Louise, we have every movie channel. Iam Not advertising Encore, but they do have a channel for my Westerns!!! Besides NCIS, Modern Family, BBC World News... Oh and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report we really (I) don't want to watch anything else.