Why a 9/11 Plotter Deserves a Re-Trial (Time.com)

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Time.com - Viewpoint: Zacarias Moussaoui may not be a likeable character but that doesn't mean American justice is served by putting him away after a farcical trial

My take:

In our system, everybody - evil as he may be - deserves a fair trial (yes, everybody). If we want to win that war, we have to make these beliefs - which are the base of our political and social system nowadays - shine brightly.

The key sentence of the article IMHO is this one:

American values (and all Western Democracies values, R.) include respecting the rights of even those who attack them.
Make it so.

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Agreed Rattler.
And if our system cannot put people like this away for their crimes for a very very long time, there is something wrong with our system.