Well Tetvet, since a single American is not worth your time, or few pennies that it cost the US gov't to bring one of our countrymen home, please, do us all a favor and leave the country. No one is forcing you to stay, no one is telling you that if you leave the US, you'll be arrested. The door is open, all you have to do is walk through it. All you do is complain about the US, so obviously, you are unhappy here. Yet, instead of doing something productive, you instead prefer just to stew in your own juices. A single American life is worth more than the pennies on the dollar it cost to bring him home. As a veteran of this nation, you should know that.
PS: It actually didn't cost you a bleeping penny. Do you know why? Because you've already paid the taxes. The money is already gone. You didn't get a bill in the mail that was extra.