Who should lead Saddams trial?

Who should lead Saddams trial?

  • USA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Hague

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kuwait

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The fire is everything
Staff member
Where do you think that Saddams trial should be held?

Do you have any other suggestions other than the three listed above?
I think that the International War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague is the right place for Saddam to be tried.

A trial in Iraq will not be a fair trial, even if he may deserve to be judged by his own victims..
I don't have much sympathy for Saddam at all, but I do respect the law!
I do also fear that he willl be executed real fast down there, so that all the facts won't come out.
He has a lot of dirty secrets the needs to come out!

I think The Hague is the only place where he could get a "fair" trial.

(another option I found very amusing on bbc.co.uk by a guy called Rick from USA was: "Auction him off on ebay. " :D)
I know I know..

Maybe I am to hard on Saddam.. But we don't need him in anyway.

Just get the damn information out of him and let US be the judge.

Sorry, But for once I hate someone, wich I have never ever did before.

Just get rid of him, and get it over with.

He problaby has something in his past who has made him to what he is.

But that isn't a excuse.
I think The Hague is the only place where he could get a "fair" trial.

Alot of Americans and Iraqi's will be upset about that, because your not subject to the death penalty their. Also, beetwen former French military contracts and European dealings, this is probobly not the best place for this guy, he may have more support, although still small, there.

I say try him in Kuwait with a jury of Kurds, Shia's, Suuni, Kuwaiti's, and a Saudi or to for publicities sake.
Kuwait could be a good alternative to Iraq.
I'll add that as an option to the poll too.

I don't think the support he may get in Hague would be any problem at all...
The reason why I think Hague is best is that he could easily become a muslem martyr if he is tried in Iraq or USA.
(many would say that it is the same thing, with USA controlling Iraq.....)
You have a good point there, Redleg, but I think that wherever he is tried, it should be by an Iraqi court devoid of outside influences (as much as is possible). The "International Community," or the UN, have proven themselves incapable of seeing the truth, and until we have figured out just how much nations like Germany, Russia, and especially France were involved with Saddam's Iraq, I don't think that their bias towards him would be any less than the Iraqi's bias against him. The verdict is undeniable, and the only things up in the air still are the specific charges and numbers of counts thereof and the sentence, and I think that denying the Iraqis the right to try him would not only be insulting, but it would leave open many wounds in Iraq. I hesitate to use this phrase as it has become pretty cliched, but it will provide the Iraqi's with closure, as well as a sense of empowerment and a strengthening of the legitimacy of their new government.
I have to agree with redneck on this one. It doesn't matter where he goes he has no chance at a fair trial. So since he's getting either lifetime or death penalty anyways you might as well let some people get some vengeance out of it. I hate all forms of globalism so I wouldn't ever send anyone to The Hague. It's useless. US has no say in his penalty because he didn't wrong us near as much as the Iraqis and I doubt if Bush has the guts to pull the lever on him anyways. With all the good publicity he has gotten in the polls I think him forcing the US to decide a verdict and then sentencing him would kill his gain in the polls. I doubt if the Iraqis will kill him anyways unless it's by a lynch mob. They'll be more likely to torture him with life in prison because after all they already understand killing him would make him a martyr and encourage Muslim extremism.
Well our reasons are totally different. I'm not sure what your point is with all that gear about President Bush, especially since he would have no direct involvement in the trial's outcome anyway.
Redneck said:
I'm not sure what your point is with all that gear about President Bush, especially since he would have no direct involvement in the trial's outcome anyway.

I think Bush is very much involved in the trial's outcome when he comes with statements like this http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3326311.stm.
He should be more professional than this, and keep his personal opinions to himself.
By making a statement like this he is putting a lot of pressure on the court that's going to judge Saddam!
Just let US judge the damn horse shit and let him rot away somewhere..

US will give a good trial to him and US knows how to deal with men like him..
Redleg said:
I think Bush is very much involved in the trial's outcome when he comes with statements like this http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3326311.stm.
He should be more professional than this, and keep his personal opinions to himself.
By making a statement like this he is putting a lot of pressure on the court that's going to judge Saddam!

Consider your source though. By making President Bush's statement (which I believe is both true and justified) appear that it was made as anything besides one of his own personal opinion (something that he IS entitled to) they make it appear that he may have been irresponsible, which is not the case. Nothing he has said officially has been anything but supportive of the Iraqis' sole authority on the matter.
If a court feels pressured by the opinion of anyone, even if he is the President of the U.S., it shouldn't be a court, and I do not believe that the Iraqi court will bend to any such perceived "pressure."
The one who captured him, allowing the victims(Iraq, Kuwait, Iran...) to be in the court. And deciding equally as the USA( I think opinions are not very differnt on all those sides that are damaged).