Last year, near the end of september, I bought a video game. Yup, a video game. Battlefield 1942, the scope of the maps was huge, and before the map began it has tiny little tibits about that battle. It got me interested in WWII, and that spawned into interest in the US military as a whole. I now read books and articles on the net....
It all seems unbelievible to me, the wars that were fought, the scope of war seems endless and breathetakeing, and also terribly frightning... the struggles, the goals, the pain, the sheer amount of material and life lost. The operations, both brilliant and absurd, and the men who carried them out, or died in the attempt.
To be apart of something so noble and just, to be apart of something so professional and powerful. So big, so importaint. To serve your country.....
I dream of such excellence.