Wars aren't fought the way they used to be because our opponents have caught on to what our strengths and weaknesses are.
They know we are casualty adverse so they publicize our casualties as much as possible.
They know if they wear a uniform then we will blow them away quickly...seems the enemy doesn't like to line up Napoleon style the way our RD people seem to think they will.
They know they have to do just enough to justify us staying over there (costing billions on our part for a cheap investment on theirs)
They know they control the tempo of combat and rate of casualties which means they can prosecute it indefinitely.
They know to avoid a straight up fight at all costs until we are either gone or on our heels.
They know, which we don't, NEVER get into a land war in Asia...
They can produce cheap, effective counter measures to things they know we will spend BILLIONS to overcome (I.E. MRAPS, Duke systems, RG-31s, MATVs, Rhino's, etc)