G Greg Levin New Member Sep 3, 2009 #1 Hey there hows it going. Im over in Iraq at the moment. Bored as hell. any ideas to kill the time let me know..
Hey there hows it going. Im over in Iraq at the moment. Bored as hell. any ideas to kill the time let me know..
rattler Active member Sep 3, 2009 #3 Welcome. Just out of curiosity, what are the most boring assignments over there from your POV? Rattler
Welcome. Just out of curiosity, what are the most boring assignments over there from your POV? Rattler
Big_Z MilForum Recon Sep 3, 2009 #4 I would say tear the PX up for movies and games. Stay clear of the movies from hojis, they suck.
cnuslein Active member Sep 24, 2009 #11 Hello, We could be pen pals...that would be great! Im Christine at c_nuslein@yahoo.com