Growing Old
New Member
Hello. I've been coming here for a couple of months enjoying the jokes, and passing them on to people in my online gaming clan. They also enjoyed them. Not much ta tell ya. I was in combo in Army-mainly Artillery, but spent time in Armor Cava and regular infantry. Started in 31KA MOS. Now a days, spend most of the time(when not working my butt off) playing online games mostly Battlefield 1942, and mods that go with it(It's a fun game-tries to be realalistic as possible about fighting in some of history's biggest battles of WWII). Anybody that's interested-I can be reached at Not really that old-40yrs. But Growing Old is my BAFF42 name that I fight under. Now, that I'm registered here. I will look forward to reading posts/posting myself/just catching up on things.