What are the odds of war hitting the U.S. shores?

Keist IV

Active member
I was wondering with the world the way it is today, how good does everybody think the chances of war hitting our shores? I don't mean acts of terrorism, I do not mean that lightly, I just mean actually having enemy troops beach and infiltrate. Also, do you think people who stockpile ammuntion and rations are stupid for preparing for that possibility? Just looking for others peoples ideas and input.
Chances are from 1 to um...a bijillion, not counting they attack hawaii. People with stockpiles of ammunition arent stupid, but they are incredibly paranoid..... 8)
Pretty close to nil if you ask me. Unless Canada decided to invade us. Seabourne transports would have to reach to our shores, and with our Navy and Airforce thats not going to happen. And no one would be able to reach us by airplane, not with our Airforce. There's no way a conventional force would be able to reach our shores.
well i called las vegas...and they aint posting odds on that occurance guy and those people bet on anything!

my gut instinct say 1 billion to 1. :D
Slim to none. And only rednecks store food and AMMO :D I keep a knife near me just because I live in a bad neighborhood(in the Wild West End of town).
hah me and my friends talk about getting invaded. How if anyone invaded us they would be pushed back to the ocean within 2 hours. All the crazy rednecks, gangs, our military! I mean, we would be kick ass militia men :P
Hey Redneck, I think we are being picked on. Not saying you stockpile ammuntion but he said only rednecks do. My thought is, you are called paranoid until it really happens, then you are a genius and a godsend when (if) it does happen. Besides, you can go shooting whenever you want and not worry about having to go buy ammo. :m16shoot: I know per say that not much will slip past our Navy and Air Force and actually land here, but what about all the confirmed Al Queda people here in the states. They are "perfect sleepers" if you ask me. No history of terrorist acts on their records yet but that don't mean they haven't been trained to do such when the perfect opportunity presents itself.