What are the effectiveness of stealth fighters?

battery said:
Is it even possible to totally evade radar cross section? Please post links to your information.

STEALTH is more than just RCS. It's also reducing the IR, magnetic, acoustic signitures and reducing laser return and optical reflections. Idea is a MULTI spectral reduction in signiture. STEALTH uses angles on the airframe and special composit materials (On the US versions) which absorb the emmisions or don't reflect the radar back to the reciever. STEALTH is never 100% in all axis. It's goal is to dramatically reduce the signiture but it can't make a plane invisible from all directions at all ranges in all spectra. It does reduce the effectiveness of enemy ADA though. Max ranges might only be 1/4 that of normal (Just an example)and the probability of hit is significantly lower even when engaged. Combined with good intel a bird like a F117 can sneak right through. The one F117 which was shot down in the Balkans had been set up. The enemy knew when and where the aircraft would be coming, so they preped for it. However, that's not normally the case.