Weirdest place to ...


Active member
I wasn't going to post this Mark but with your Ranger/Doctor story, I am going to have to.

This is what a guy I am seeing told me. He is an ex Army Ranger. He said when they were (somewhere fighting) his unit or whatever you call em had a contest. Who Rosie Palm and her five friends in the most unusual place... They threw in about $1,000 in the pot for the winner.

One guy did it in the latrine over a pile of sh*%. One guy did it on the sgt's desk (I asked him what the sgt said when he found it and he just yelled next time clean it up). The winner did it during a fire fight.

Omigod!!! :shock:
The winner did it during a fire fight.

One would think you would have other priorities during a firefight.

Another thing, wouldn't you be a bit nervous to do something like that?

I guess that says something for Rangers, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly what.


at the same place, to break the monotony of the time we spent waiting for the doctors at each training area, groups of the training staff used to have underwear contests...

the goal was to have the most unusual print or design (for the particular group male or female..A male could not wear a pair of womens under wear and vice versa).

the rules stated that you could only show a quarter moon to be judged in the finals but everything else went. each entrant had to lay a buck down...and ham the group of voters.

God bless em...the rangers usually had the camouflage...the young ladies some very unusual prints (leopards and tiger stripes prevailed).

It was something to pass the time.... :D
I could win that! I know I could!!

I got dancing elephants, lobsters, polar bears making out, heck I don't even know what else. :lol:
lets just say...i won about 25% of the time. seems like i picked up a whole load of decently priced jocky briefs that were in patterns no american male would dare wear.

one was a black and red checker board. The next, gold and light blue different sized squares against a white background. one pair had different sized pink and yellow polka dots agains a green background. i had the usual animal and snake prints. the last time i was irregular yellow lightening bolts against black.

Hmm....I think I could win this one easy....Invisible Purple with pink polka dotted underwear. . . the bag.