War and Medias


New Member

The war on Iraq hasn't been understood the same way all over the world. What's interesting is that Medias influenced really much public opinion. I'm trying to find out exactly how much through a study I'm doing about British people.

To be able to analyze properly the result, I need as many people as possible to answer a questionnaire on that website : http://yanncadoret.free.fr


The survey looks good but I don't like putting much of my info or anything about my family on the web.....Sorry

Why do you need all the info, you would think just age, demographic location, and possibly sex would allow you to gather a good survey, but I am sure you have your reasons I hope you get the results you are after...
Is this just for the British members or for everyone? Can you provide some more information on what exactly this deal is?

War ( just kidding)


By the way, in the future please do not post the same topic multiple times and places on the board.