"If It Flies, It Dies"
- US Army Air Defense Force
"Rangers Lead The Way"
- US Army Ranger Divison Motto
"The only easy day was yesterday!"
- US Navy SEALs Motto
"Death from above"
- 101st Airborne Divison
"One Shot; One Kill"
US Army Special Forces Snipers
"Seek and Destory"
- 52nd FW US Air Force, Spangdalhem Germany
If I think of others I'll post more
- US Army Air Defense Force
"Rangers Lead The Way"
- US Army Ranger Divison Motto
"The only easy day was yesterday!"
- US Navy SEALs Motto
"Death from above"
- 101st Airborne Divison
"One Shot; One Kill"
US Army Special Forces Snipers
"Seek and Destory"
- 52nd FW US Air Force, Spangdalhem Germany
If I think of others I'll post more