Two quotes


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"Alea iacta est."
(The die is cast)
-Julius Caesar

I believe he said that after crossing the Rubicon river.

"Rangers lead the way!"
-General Norman Cota on the beaches of Normandy, D-Day

This is where that Ranger motto came from.
Right now the site is getting beefed up with alot more quotes, Ill see if we can get those included if Redlag hasnt already decided to put those in :D
"Alea iacta est."
(The die is cast)
-Julius Caesar

Caesar said these words Jan. 19, 49 B.C.
When he and his army crossed the Rubicon, the stream bounding his province, to enter Italy. The advancement, in violation of the senate's orders, meant the civil war and Caesar's march against Pompey had begun.

But Caesar was said to have borrowed the phrase from his favorite Greek poet-dramatist Menander (342-291 B.C).

I was going to add this, but I did not have the quote by General Cota.

I'll add a lot of quotes this weekend. (I hope..)
I have several houndres waiting to be added now, I have verified most of them...
If I remember correctly, Gen. Cota was saying this as the Rangers were being decimated on the beaches in an attempt to coax them into advancing onward towards their objectives. Of course, the veracity of that quote is questioned by every rival unit of the 75th Regiment...
I've also heard and read that Cotta was the one who said:

"There are only two kinds of people on this beach; the dead and those about to die. so lets get the hell out'a here"

But I'm sure that this was said by Colonel George Taylor, Omaha beach, 6 June 1944.
He was the Commander of the 16th. Infantry, serving under Cota.

"Gentlemen, we are being killed on the beaches. Lets go inland and be killed."

Is another quote by Cota, also from D-day.
I've not been able to verify this one....