This day in military history..

April 12
238 Battle of Carthage
1204 Crusaders capture Constantinople
1807 Froberg Mutiny ends
1861 Bombardment of Ft. Sumter begins, US Civil War begins
1862 The Great Locomotive Chase
1863 Battle of Bayou Teche begins
1864 Ft. Pillow Massacre
1865 Confederate Army of Mobile evacuates Mobile, US troops captures Montgomery, Al.
1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge ends
1935 1st flight Bristol Blenheim
1940 French Sub Chaser C107 sunk in a collision in the Loire. KM Tanker Moonsund stopped by sub HMS Snapper and sunk after crew abandoned ship. KM Sub Chaser UJ-117 sunk by mine in Danish Straits. Captured Norwegian Patrol Ships Senja and Michael Sars bombed/sunk by British at Narvik, raised, repaired and returned to KM service. Norwegian Guard Ship Sperm scuttled at Vikedal
1941 Trawler HMS Rypa sank in a storm in Loch Ewe. Yugoslav River Monitors Drava, Morava, Sava, and Vardar scuttled or bombed/sunk. Morava and Sava raised, repaired and put in Croatian service.
1942 PT-35 scuttled while under repair at Cebu to prevent capture. US Aux. minesweeper YAG-4 shelled/sunk off Corrigidor.
1944 PT-135 scuttled after running aground off Crater Point, New Britain. USN Rescue Tug ATR-98 sunk in collision with Tug USS Abnaki west of the Azores. IJN sub I-174 bombed/sunk by USN PB4Y off Truk. Aux. Minesweeper Wa-104 sunk by HMS Stygia south west of Bali.
1945 U-486 sunk by sub HMS Tapir north-west of Bergen. U-1024 captured by R.N. ships off the Isle of Man, sinks next day. USN LST 493 wrecked/sunk off Plymouth, U.K. LCT-66 lost at Pearl Harbor, unknown causes. LCS(L)-33 and Destroyer USS Manert L Abele sunk by Kamakzes off Okinawa. IJN sub RO-64 sunk by mine in Hiroshima Bay.
1970 Soviet sub K-8 sinks after a fire on the 8th.
June 7
1099 Siege of Jeruselem begins
1420 Venice captures Udine
1777 HMS Fox is captured by USS Hancock & Boston
1880 Battle of Arica
1917 Battle of Messines begins
1941 R.N. Examination Vessel No. 10 sunk by mine @ Milford Haven
1942 Japanese occupy Kiska. Battle of Midway ends, previously damaged USS Yorktown sinks
1944 Transport USS Susan B. Anthony & U.S. Army Transport Francis C. Harrington sunk by mines off Normandy. IJN Destoyer Hayanumi sunk by USS Harder in the Sibutu Passage
1971 Battle of Long Khanh ends
1981 Isreali Air Force destroys Iraq's Osiraq reactor
June 6
1513: Battle of Novara. Swiss troops defeat the French under Louis de la Tremoille, forcing the French to abandon Milan. Duke Massimiliano Sforza is restored.
1813: Battle of Stoney Creek - A British force of 700 under John Vincent defeat an American force three times its size under William Winder and John Chandler.
1862: Battle of Memphis - Union forces capture Memphis, Tennessee, from the Confederates.
1918 - Battle of Belleau Wood begins .
1940: U-46 sinks the British armed merchant cruiser Carinthia off the west coast of Ireland.
1942: Battle of Midway ends -
1944: D-DAY. - In the early morning hours, the Allied Expeditionary Force of American, British, Canadian, Polish, and Free French troops begins Operation Overlord, the long-awaited invasion of 'Fortress Europe', as the Germans call it. After an intensive naval and aerial bombardment, the first wave of 5 divisions (156,115 men) are landed at designated beaches in Normandy named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, preceded by some 12,000 paratroopers of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions behind the German lines on the Cotentin peninsula and the British 6th Airborne Division near Caen. These forces are supported by 1,213 warships, including 7 battleships and 23 cruisers, 1,600 auxiliary ships, and 4,126 landing craft, as well as several Allied air forces flying 14,674 sorties. Opposing them in their bunkers on the beaches are 5 low grade German infantry divisions with about 50,000 men and 100 tanks and assault guns. Despite some heavy casualties, especially at Omaha Beach, the German defenders, stunned and surprised by the massive onslaught, are progressively overwhelmed, and most of the Allied objectives are reached and secured by nightfall. There is little opposition from the Luftwaffe or Kriegsmarine.
1969: Battle of Binh Ba, South Vietnam - Binh Ba, located five kilometers north of the Australian base at Nui Dat was the site of a battle between a combined force of Viet Cong guerillas and North Vietnamese Army troops after they occupied the village. They were driven off after more than a day's fighting. This was the last large-scale clash in Phouc Tuy.
1972: South Vietnamese forces drive out all but a few of the communist troops remaining in Kontum. Over 200 North Vietnamese had been killed in six battles in and around the city. The city had come under attack in April when the North Vietnamese had launched their Nguyen Hue Offensive, a massive invasion by North Vietnamese forces designed to strike the blow that would win them the war. The attacking force included 14 infantry divisions and 26 separate regiments, with more than 120,000 troops and approximately 1,200 tanks and other armored vehicles. In addition to Kontum, the other main North Vietnamese objectives were Quang Tri in the north and An Loc farther to the south.
1982: The1982 Lebanon War begins: Israel invades southern Lebanon in their "Operation Peace for the Galilee," eventually reaching as far north as Beirut .
2017: 2nd Battle of Raqqa begins.
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June 7
1099 Siege of Jeruselem begins
1420 Venice captures Udine
1777 HMS Fox is captured by USS Hancock & Boston
1880 Battle of Arica
1917 Battle of Messines begins
1941 R.N. Examination Vessel No. 10 sunk by mine @ Milford Haven
1942 Battle of Midway ends, previously damaged USS Yorktown sinks. Japanese occupy Kiska.
1944 Transport USS Susan B. Anthony & U.S. Army Transport Francis C. Harrington sunk by mines off Normandy. IJN Destoyer Hayanumi sunk by USS Harder in the Sibutu Passage
1971 Battle of Long Khanh ends
1981 Israeli Air Force destroys Iraq's Osiraq reactor
George, your the only reason this thread is this active.

Also I know that today in 1987, Ronald Reagan gave a speech at the Berlin wall, " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
George, your the only reason this thread is this active.

Also I know that today in 1987, Ronald Reagan gave a speech at the Berlin wall, " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
Yeah, I noticed! Reagan's speech was political, not military, so it was ruled out.