No matter how hard you try, or how many times you say it, no self respecting person will be offended by you calling them Liberal. So save your time and breath and instead use it to come up with something actually insulting. I've heard people on the news(Fox news NBC, CBS ANC news included so dont try and talk about the "liberal Media Bias") trying to insult Kerry and Edwards by calling them Liberal. Excuess me but wasn't that the idea. Bush is conservitive and Kerry is liberal. We dont want two candidates representing the same thing becuase then there is no point in choosing.
P.S. We are not the enemy. We live in America and we are your brothers, sister, fathers, mothers etc. Just becuase we have a idfference in opinion doesnt mean we are bad people. Dont call me Unamerican because I dont like Bush. Thats my opinion. This country was built on the ideals such as Freedom of Choice and Freedom of Speech. Caling me Unamerican because I(with good reason) dont like the man in charge is just childish and stupid so lets try to keep this in mind
C.J. Stafford. A Liberal American
P.S. We are not the enemy. We live in America and we are your brothers, sister, fathers, mothers etc. Just becuase we have a idfference in opinion doesnt mean we are bad people. Dont call me Unamerican because I dont like Bush. Thats my opinion. This country was built on the ideals such as Freedom of Choice and Freedom of Speech. Caling me Unamerican because I(with good reason) dont like the man in charge is just childish and stupid so lets try to keep this in mind
C.J. Stafford. A Liberal American